Page 15 of Flower

“I wasn’t watching. I just saw it one day, sheesh.”

“Well, you seem to remember it well.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Nate glowers at her. “Were you checking him out?”

Lyndsey barks out a laugh. “Oh my god! Are you serious right now?” she exclaims, “Please tell me you aren’t threatened by Mason Reynolds?”

“Well, were you?” he continues, folding his arms across his chest.

“Jesus Christ!” She places her palm on her forehead and exhales a long breath.

I roll my eyes at both of them.

Nate is insanely possessive of Lyndsey, and when he starts on one of his jealous rampages, those two will go at it for hours.

I am out of here.

“I will catch you guys later.” I give them all a wave, and Lyndsey looks up briefly, returning the wave then turning her attention back to her disgruntled boyfriend.

* * *

I wanderdown the aisle aimlessly, running my fingers over the binders and inhaling the musky smell of the books lining the shelves. A feeling of solace flows through me as the peace and tranquility of the deserted library calm my raging thoughts, giving me a moment’s reprieve from the constant inner turmoil I have been tackling daily.

Someone catches my attention in the corner of the room, and I stop, spotting Mason sitting on a sofa near the window. As usual, he is wearing bagging clothing. The black tweed sweater and blue jeans hang off him and hide his frame. His ankle is propped up on his knee as he quietly reads the book resting on his lap. A strand of his wavy brown hair falls down in front of his glasses, and he gently pushes it away, running his fingers through his thick locks. His tousled hair looks so soft that it makes me wonder what it would feel like to run my fingers through it.

Surprised that my thoughts are even heading in that direction, I shake it off and give myself a mental slap for staring at him like a creeper, then make my way over to him.

“So, this is where you disappear to every lunch?” I say with a smile as I approach, and he stops reading to look up at me.

A deafening silence stretches between us, and I shift uncomfortably on my feet as I wait for him to respond, but he just continues to stare at me without breathing a word.

A light flickers across his eyes and the air around us becomes warm and feels awkward all of a sudden, I force myself to look away.

What is going on here?

And why isn’t he answering me?

Pulling myself together and glancing down at the book in my hand, I use it to gesture to the sofa directly across from him. “Do you mind if I join you?”

He nods his head, and I walk over to the sofa feeling his eyes boring into me the whole time. Sitting down and opening my book, I peer up and see that he is still staring at me.

Oh my god, this guy is going to kill me

I let out a giggle.

“What is so funny?” he asks, tilting his head to the side and making me giggle even more at the look of confusion on his face.

“Why do you keep staring at me?”

“I’m sorry,” he responds with a shy smile and shakes his head, focusing his attention back on his book.

“Do you not get much company in the library?” I ask.

“Not really, no. Most people go to the cafeteria for lunch.”

“Why don’t you? I don’t think I have ever seen you there before.”