Page 16 of Flower

He thinks for a moment. “I guess it’s just too chaotic in there for me, and I find the sound of so many people talking at the same time irritating. I prefer a more peaceful atmosphere.”

“Well, you sure picked the spot,” I say, exhaling a breath and looking out the window to the view of thePuget Sound. The sky is full of gray clouds, which isn’t unusual for the Pacific Northwest, but at least it’s not raining.

It is peaceful here, and I feel my body start to relax, probably for the first time in two weeks.

“You haven’t responded to any of my texts,” Mason points out, and I glance at him briefly before looking away.

He has texted me a few times to arrange to meet up and start our English paper, but I haven’t responded to even one.

He probably feels pretty bummed right now that Lily isn’t his partner.

In my defense, my phone that had once been my lifeline has become my sworn enemy. The constant flood of messages I received from Logan had the thing beeping so often it practically sang a tune. I started to avoid checking it, assuming that each time it chimed, it was from him.

“Sorry. I have been a bit distracted,” I tell him honestly. “I know you would have preferred to be partnered with Lily, but I promise you that I will do my fair share of the work.”

He frowns. “Why would you think that I wanted Lily as a partner?”

“When she suggested swapping, you told her that you already tried?”

“I only said that so she would drop the subject,” he explains. “I know you are smart, Ava. The fact that you are kicking everyone’s ass in calculus certainly proves that. I’m happy we are partnered up together.”

He regards me with a small smile, and I smile back then look back down to my book.

“What are you reading?” he asks.

“It’s calledLoving Lylaby McKinley Miller. It’s a contemporary romance, my favorite genre. I have read some historical romance but prefer the modern setting.”

“Have you read any classics?”

“I’ve readThe Great GatsbyandWuthering Heights.”

“Tragic romance,” he muses. “So, have you readRomeo and Juliet?”

“No, I definitely tried but couldn’t get into the dialogue.” I shrug. “Have you ever read any romance?”

He snorts, “No.”

“Why? It’s not a guy thing?” I drawl playfully, and he arches a brow.

“No. I just don’t buy into the whole ‘My heart will go on’bullshit,and besides, romance novels depict an unrealistic view of what love should be.”

“Is that so? Well, what are you reading?” I ask, and he lifts the book up for me to see.

“River Godby Wilbur Smith,” I read the title out loud, then tilt my head with curiosity. “What is it about?”

“Ancient Egypt told through the eyes of a slave.”

“And is this slave depicting a realistic view on what life was like for the people during the Pharaonic period?” I quip, and his eyes squint as a smile tugs on his lips

“The inspiration for the story came from a set of scrolls found in an Egyptian tomb. It is fiction, but I do believe Smith was relatively accurate in how he portrayed the life of a slave in 1780BC.”

“The same could be said for romance novels and movies, for that matter. I mean, even though they are fictional stories, there is the possibility they were inspired by real-life events. Take Jack and Rose inTitanic, for example. Their story was inspired by one of the most tragic events in history.”

“The Titanic was a true story. Their love story wasn’t.”

“True, but Jack and Rose’s characters were real people on board that ship. There is a possibility they did, in fact, have a love affair.”

Mason scoffs, “If they did, then it just proves my theory that ‘My heart will go on’really is bullshit.”