He laughs as he tugs at the scarf until he manages to pull it free. “There’s my handsome man, ready for fun and fornication.”
I don’t even bother to freeze time to wrap the scarf up tight again.
“That’s okay, I just need this down here,” he says as he unbuttons my pants only to find that I have a second pair of pants underneath.
“This is torture!” he decides.
I grin at him as I slide the scarf off. “I suppose I can let you see what’s under them if you think you deserve it.”
“IknowI deserve it,” he says with a smirk.
“I will consider it. So let me see all of you and in the meantime… I’ll think on it.”
Landon flops back and kicks both feet toward me. “Help!”
I grab the bottom of his pants and pull them off before dropping them onto the ground. Then he rolls over and gives me a nice view of his ass covered in underwear. “Do you like them?”
“Is…” I hesitate as I try to comprehend what I’m seeing. I find myself pointing and when I don’t feel like that’s enough, I lean closer before grabbing his ass cheeks. “Is that my face?”
He’s grinning far too evilly at this point. “It sure is. I found them online the other day along with all this Chrono merch and immediately thought… you know what August would like? His face on my ass.”
“I’m…” I give him a push, rolling him over so I can see the front. “I’ve… never wanted to kiss my own face so much,” I say as I grab his legs and pull him close.
That makes Landon laugh until I mouth his dick through the underwear.
“Fucking hell, I should have bought these a while ago,” he says.
“As if you don’t get whatever you want whenever you want,” I tease as I pull the underwear down just a little to unveil his cock. Wrapping my fingers around him, I run my tongue over his cock before taking the tip in my mouth.
“God, I would have gotten the footed pajamas if I’d known the underwear would turn you on so much,” Landon says.
I glance up at him before pulling my mouth off his dick. “I’m pretty sure it’s you that turns me on. Not some underwear.”
“You like the underwear. You know it. Admit it.”
“I like how ridiculous you are. How’d you even get them? Were they shipped here?”
“No, to the store, and I made Valerie pick them up after telling her they were extremely important, and I absolutely needed them after getting savagely stabbed while under her watch and could have died. She ran right out, and you should have seen her face when security opened the box in front of her. I should have recorded it.”
That makes me laugh as I pull my clothes off before sliding up to him. “Of course you did,” I say as I rub his cock.
Landon reaches over to the bedside table and produces some lube which he squeezes onto his fingers as I kiss my way up his stomach, stopping only when I reach his nipple.
“Hmm… there was a bra too. I should have gotten it,” he says as he goes to reach behind himself, but I shake my head and take his hand.
“Oh?” he asks, interest piqued. “You don’t ask too often. Is this a special occasion?” He grabs my hips, pulling me up farther as his wet fingers reach back. One of them rubs against me as I kiss his neck.
“I don’t know. It was something about seeing my face on your dick,” I joke.
“You’ve always wanted to get fucked by yourself? Do you want me to rip a hole in them for my dick to poke through so I can keep them on?”
“Not in the slightest,” I say as he presses a finger against me before pushing inside. He scoots back until he’s leaning against the headboard, underwear kicked off, then pulls me up farther onto his lap so our cocks are pressed against each other. I pat around for the lube before he moves it with his mind and I catch it out of the air. I squirt it into my hand as he adds another finger, opening me up and making me murmur against his neck.
I nip his skin and work my way up to his lips. His lips part as my hand runs up his cock, thumb sliding over the tip as his fingers move inside me. My cock aches for more and I want to feel him inside me.
“I want you… now,” I whisper.
His fingers slide out of me as his hands grasp onto me, pulling me up as he settles between my thighs. Slowly, I lower myself down as I take his slick cock in one hand and guide the head of his cock against me. I don’t drop all the way down yet; instead, I just tempt him as he groans.