Page 56 of A Hero in Hiding

“You’re killing me… god, I love you,” he murmurs.

“I love you too, but declarations of love won’t get me to move.”

Landon grins at me. “I promise I won’t tell you that I’m moist for you anymore.”

“Thank you.”

“And I’ll only wear your face on my dick on occasion.”

“I suppose that’s adequate,” I decide, pressing down as I feel him opening me up. I don’t do this often so it feels tight as his cock slides in, but it also feels ridiculously good, like he’s stretching me out and filling me up.

I rock up just a little as his fingers dance over my back. I could get addicted to his touch… maybe I already am. The way he makes pleasure ignite in my body drives me crazy as I move over him. His hand slides down my side, fingertips softly gliding over me, making me shiver as they move down my thighs before sliding back up and rubbing my cock. He draws me in, and the way his cock brushes against that spot inside me makes the pleasure so intense that I find myself losing focus on my movements. He thrusts his hips up, pulling me right back into him as I moan, grabbing tightly onto him.

“I love you so much,” Landon says as he captures my lips, not even giving me a moment to tell him how much I love him, but honestly… he knows. Not just how much I love him, but how much he’s saved me. How much he’s pulled me out of the hole I’d allowed others to place me in… allowed them to bury me in.

He gave no shits as he dragged me out of it and made me feel happier than I’d ever been.

Landon pushes me back, sliding me onto my back as he thrusts into me, and I groan as he quickens his pace. My fingers dig into the sheets before reaching out and finding him. I can’t get enough of him even as my balls ache for release.

I’m so close as he finds just the right angle, and I know that I can’t take any more. His hand tightens around my cock, and I moan as my fingers dig into him.

“You want to come?”

“Oh fuck, I do,” I say breathlessly.

He strokes me as I come, his thrusts quickening. Pleasure rolls through me while I grip tightly onto him as he comes inside me with a moan. He brushes my lips with soft kisses before pulling out of me and drawing me near for more kisses. I know we have things to do, but right now, I want to do nothing other than lie right here beside him, pressed in close.



“So you know my boy PondGuy?” I ask August as I lean back in my chair in the meeting room.

“Is that the reporter you chucked into the river?” he asks.

“Oh shit, right.RiverGuy,” I say.

Deus’s head snaps over to me. “You drowned someone and didn’t eveninviteme?” He looks horror-stricken over this fact.

“We weren’t bros yet,” I say since he’s clearly concerned about this.

“We were destined to be bros from the moment you were born, Landon. All of this”—he waves between us—“is destiny.”

“Willanyof you bother to pay attention?” Ellison asks as he tugs at his hair. I always thought that was a book or TV thing that didn’t really make sense. Like whoactuallytugs at their hair when frustrated? Yet here he is, prepared to rip out his beautiful locks for us.

I feel like that’s an accomplishment if I’ve ever seen one.

“Oh, sorry. Do you want to be bros too?” I ask Ellison.

“Eh,” Deus says, telling me that maybe Ellison isn’t cut out to be “bros” with us yet. Honestly, though, Ellison has gravely wounded me less than Deus has. I mean… Deusdidshoot my book, after all… the gravest of all acts. And while Ellison punched me in the face with my book, he managed to do so without wrinkling a single page or causing any spine damage, so it was acceptable. Commendable, actually.

“What I want is for you to watch,” Ellison says as he waves to the screen that is currently playing old tapes of tests being given to the four people who can manipulate illusions. Some of the recordings are easily twenty years old and I have absolutely no idea how we’re supposed to decipher anything out of these shitty old tapes.

“I personally think this is a waste of time,” I say, which makes Ellison decide he hates me if the look on his face has anything to say about it.

“I agree. Why are we stuck sitting in this room when we should be out therefindingthis guy or gal?” Deus asks as he sets his rifle on the table. “Unless… it’s actually you, Ellison, and you’re wasting our time in here while you do nefarious things out there. Which would beingenious.”

“I like it in here. They have cookies,” Lex says as he holds one up.