Page 54 of A Hero in Hiding

She growls at him which seems to deflate him, but really… I don’t think he’s done a single thing wrong.

Lex, Deus, and I all look over at August who has been taking quite a few notes, if the page up on Valerie’s tablet has anything to say about it. Then we all scowl at him as he looks at us like he could possibly have no idea what we’re going on about.

Ellison ends up spending far too long trying to help us expand our minds to see through an illusion, but by the end of torture time, Deus is still the only one who can.



“I don’t think I’ve ever gone this long without reading,” Landon announces as we walk into the bedroom together. Even though I’m not the fondest of this place and really want to go back to the home I share with Landon, I don’t mind keeping him here while he heals… and maybe forever to make sure he never runs into danger again. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make to keep him from ever ending up hurt again.

Landon holds his hands up for me to see. “My hands areshakingfrom how long it’s been since I’ve held a beautiful book between my digits.”

I quickly catch his hands and cup them between mine, pretending to stare at them like they’re the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. “Oh my god! That’s awful! Do you think I should call the doctor?”

Landon’s eyes steadily narrow as I kiss his fingers dramatically. “I kind of feel like you’re sassing me, and while you’re cute enough that I’ll let you do absolutelyanything, I also kind of feel like you need your ass beat,” he says as he sits down on the edge of the bed. “Come on now.”

“Come on, what?” I ask warily as I allow him to pull me over to him while also questioning my choices.

“Over my knees.”

I start laughing becauseof coursethis is what he expects, and what’s even worse is whenever Landon wants something… I give it to him. “Oh, dear god, no.”

“I have to do it. If I continue to let your sass get out of control… who knows what might happen. You will gain too much power, my love. I’m the sassy one in this relationship. Now come along. Bend over.”

I squeeze his hand while considering just how ridiculous this man is. “As you spank my ass, I want you to use this moment to clearly understand exactlyhow muchI love you because there is absolutelyno wayI would let anyone else bend me over and spank me.”

“You better not. You don’t evenwantto know what would happen to someone else who tried to touch your magnificent ass,” he says as he motions to his lap.

I stare at it for a long moment, contemplating my choices. I could probably kiss him and get away withnotletting him spank me, but I also know from the look on his face the idea of doing this is giving him great—too great—joy. So here I am, flopping my body across his lap as he grins at me. I want to make this whole experience as uncomfortable as possible by staring him in the eyes as I ask, “Do I pull my pants down?”

“Of course,” he says, trying his absolute hardest to not grin. He’s absolutelylovingevery minute of this, and of course finds none of it uncomfortable.

I’m still staring right at him as I grab my pants and push them down so they drop to my knees. “Are you proud of what you’ve done to me?”

“That is a nice ass. I don’t even remember what I’m spanking it for,” he says as he gives it a soft thwack. His expression of delight is one hundred percent why I’ve agreed to this ridiculousness.

I freeze time and quickly stand up, kick my pants the rest of the way off, yank my shirt and socks off, and flop back down on his lap so the moment time starts back up again, I’m naked on his lap.

The second Landon registers what’s before him, he gasps. “Did you… did you just freeze time to get naked?”

I shake my head while wondering why I’ve let myself be caught looking so ridiculous. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Landon starts laughing as he grabs me and guides me onto the bed.

“You sure you’re healed up enough?” I ask.

“Positive. I promise that I feel fine, and I would feel even more fine playing the drums on dat ass. You’re so naked and delightful, my frisky hunk who makes me moist.”

My entire body cringes at that, making me decide that he needs to be punished for saying something so ridiculous—he knows it’s ridiculous, which is apparent by the look on his face—so I freeze time again and quickly pull my clothes on, including my coat, a hat, and a scarf that I wrap around my face so all that’s showing are my eyes. Then I climb back into the position I was in before I froze time.

Landon snaps back to motion and eyes me. “Wait! Wait! No! August! What happened? Something horrific has happened!”

“I saw you coming for me, and my instinct was to get dressed. Especially after what you said.”

His eyes narrow like I have greatly offended him. “What did I say? That I love you? This is because I love you?” He waves at my clothes.

“You know what you said,” I assure him.