Page 25 of A Hero in Hiding

“Obviously. I’m not going to be friends with someone like you for free. How foolish! But for the low price of twenty-five thousand dollars, I will be your friend.”

“What the hell? We’re only worth twenty-five thousand?” I ask, kind of offended.

The man gives me a little bit of a grimace. “Well… no. I, of course, need an increase if I’m swapping sides. I was getting fifteen thousand for Chrono and one for you.”

“One thousand?” I ask in shock at this disgustingly low price.


“One hundred thousand?”

He cocks his head. “Onehundreddollars.”

I glance over at August. “I’m only worth a hundred dollars? Is that even really worth it?” I ask. “Like the gas money alone to come find me to kill me and the ammo and time would be more than that!”

August gives me a sweet smile. “Landon… my love, I feel like you’re completely missing the point that someonewants us dead.”

“A cheap someone,” I grumble. “You sure you didn’t mishear?”

“I have the invoice right here if you want to see it,” Untouchable Dude says.

“Fuck you and your invoice,” I growl.

“Well… maybe we can talk some things through, Untouchable,” August says.

“More like Touchable,” I mutter, which makes the man in question twitch a little.

“Since no one has ever been able to touch youin your lifethen I suppose we should take this seriously. I don’t have any money on me at this time, but perhaps we could negotiate?” August says.

A drop of blood drips off his chin and hits the ground. Slowly, he looks down at it, eyes fixated for an uncomfortably long time before looking up. “Fine, I’ll do it for fifteen, you twisted my arm enough,” he says.

“He’s just freaking out a little because it’s sinking in that he’s Super Touchable Man,” I say.

The man’s face twitches again. Then he plasters his smile back on and struts over to us. “Do we have a deal?”

“Sure,” August says as he holds his hand out and shakes it before the man turns his bloody hand over to me.

“I don’t want to touch your bloody hand,” I say.

“It’s not blood. I don’t bleed.”

I grimace and his eyes narrow briefly before he gives me a huge smile.

“Fantastic. I’m so glad to be working with both of you,” he says before he turns around, aims his rifle without bothering to look and fires.

There’s some crashing a moment before a man hits the ground about twenty feet from us. A… very dead man.

Slowly—ever so slowly—I look over at August.

“Shall we go, then?” the man asks.

“Who the fuck was that?” I ask.

He shrugs nonchalantly. “I don’t know. I assumed someone trying to kill you. You really think my ex-client put all of his eggs in one basket? God, this forest is littered with people who’ve come to murder you both. Isn’t that fun!”

“Is it?” I ask as I scoop Zacia up while August pulls my arm.

“Run,” he orders.