Page 26 of A Hero in Hiding

“Ooh, why are we running? You’re just giving them a nice target,” he says.

“TouchMeMore Man, you’re starting to piss me off, ya know?” I ask.

“It’sUntouchable,” he clarifies as someone fast as fuck zooms out from behind a tree and drives August back. August punches him hard enough he sends the man flying, but it only leaves room for a woman to lunge at us. I throw her off into the pond where she shrieks about not knowing how to swim. I guess… it was really dumb of her to join a fight near a pond, then.

August pins the man down and starts reading him his rights which I think is maybe not the best time. Like I get the whole having to stay legal nonsense they inflict on him, but I’ve tossed people all around and haven’t mentioned a single right to them unless I want to remind them about their right to stay fucking silent, and I haven’t had a single issue yet.

“My man, you don’t have time to arrest them all. We have to go,” Untouchable Irritation says.

“August, listen to TouchMeHarder. We need to go,” I say as I keep an eye out for anyone else.

The man growls at me like a feral animal. “It’s not fucking… whatever. I give up. I want my hundred dollars,” he says as he aims his gun at me.

“I will—”

I hear a gunshot that definitely didn’t come from him and wave my hand through the air, unable to see the bullet but praying my telekinesis can at least grab onto it. I canfeelit, but I nearly let it slip through at the speed it’s going before I manage to grab it and push it away from us. Untouchable raises his gun and shoots the gunman, then hits the man who August has pinned down right in the leg.

“May I recommend we go?”

August seems uncertain and I feel like if it wasn’t for me, he’d have tried his best to just detain them all, even outnumbered, but I’m kind of with the idiot on this. Who knows how many have been sent after us. Or how many might be coming for us. Or why I’m only worthone hundred dollars. What I do know is that I need to keep moving, which is really hard when my feet aren’t used to moving this much in one day, let alone without shoes on.

“Ow. Ow.”

“You okay?” August asks as he rushes after me.

“So… I changed my mind. We don’t need to run from them. I can destroy them all.”

“And what if you miss a bullet? What if you miss something else? We can’tseethem with this cover. There are too many trees to keep track of them,” August says, which he’s right about. “Let’s at least draw them into an open area.”

“What if that’s Touchable’s plan? What if he’s using this to drive us away, and then he’s going to get us right where he wants us, and then murder us?” I ask.

August glances back at me. “Then we face that hurdle when we get to it.”

“You’re fucking sexy,” I realize.

He just gives me a warm look and hurries on. When we reach an open area that’ll leave us vulnerable, he grabs a hold of me and NoTouchy before freezing time so we can rush ahead.

“Aw! You’ve accepted me as one of you! Is this… is this how friends are made?” he asks, looking at us with wide eyes.

I glower at the idiot of a man. “You will never be my friend. Youshotmy book.”

“It’s just a book,” he says.

With a fling of my hand, he goes careening off course and slams into a sapling so hard I hear it break.

“Landon!” August says.


“He was helping us!”

“It was an accident!”

August sighs as heactuallygoes back to help him. The man nearly blushes as he takes August’s hand anddoesn’t let go.

“Fucking NoTouchy sure likes to touch!” I growl.

“Shouldn’t you be worried about living?” he says, which is a valid point because the longer we run the farther I’m falling behind. August, noticing this, reaches back and grabs my hand so now we’re all running while holding hands which is just awkward and weird, but I’m too out of breath to even comment on this.