Page 37 of Endless, Forever

“Just…isn’t your aunt coming back soon? Your shag pad’s about to get all…not sex-friendly,” she said with a shrug.

Gabe cleared his throat and his grip on Oliver went just a little tight. “I think Ollie’s right about the whole discussing itnotwith the person who’s about to pack her shit and go to Spain and leave us plebeians here with the dredges of American society.”

“You’ll get your chance to escape the Americans and inflict yourself on foreign land soon enough. Aren’t these two going to give you some European tour? Show you all the filthy alleyways and reasons why the English are so not cooler than Americans?”

“We so are,” Leo said lazily. “And our accents are much sexier.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Oliver said with a grin up at Gabe. “The California accent isn’t bad at all.”

“You’re just biased,” Gabe said lightly.

“Anyway, moving on,” Coco said, shrugging. “I will be writing, you know. And inviting you over to enjoy the nice Spanish sun. Now that you two have been at least a little acclimated to things other than foggy London, I think you could survive a week or so.”

“Just don’t expect us to tan,” Leo said, smiling at her.

“After three years knowing you both, I know there’s a better chance of snow on the beach at Christmas.”

* * *

A few hourslater found Gabe and Oliver sinking into Oliver’s bed. Coco had left, visiting a few family members before she was off to Madrid, and Leo was out with a bunch of people from his group for a summer goodbye party.

It left the house quiet, and Gabe was already shrugging into a pair of Oliver’s pajamas before Oliver even asked if his boyfriend was staying. Smiling to himself, Oliver allowed himself a few minutes to think about what it would be like to share a place with his boyfriend. He certainly wouldn’t hate it, and they spent a lot of time together anyway.

They were only a few months away from their one-year anniversary, and that seemed like a reasonable amount of time to take the next step. But it hadn’t gone unnoticed how uncomfortable that idea made Gabe when Coco brought it up. It made him wonder if Gabe was having second thoughts, and he realized he wouldn’t be able to let it go until he talked to him about it.

As the pair settled in, Gabe’s head pillowed on Oliver’s shoulder with a warm arm around him, Oliver pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriend’s curls. “Hey love?”

“Mm?” Gabe turned slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of Oliver’s ribs.


Gabe let out a low, tired chuckle. “Not yet. Why?”

“I just…” Oliver took a breath. “What Coco said. Earlier.”

Gabe went a little tense in Oliver’s arms. “You really want to talk about this right now?”

“Don’t see why not,” Oliver pressed. He let Gabe back away, both of them shuffling up to pillows, and Gabe leaned on his side, propping his head up on his hand. “It’s not unreasonable to consider it.”

“No, it’s not,” Gabe agreed, but there was something in his eyes that didn’t align with his words.

“I mean, we’ve made it this long, yeah? And I like you. I spend enough time with you.”

Gabe let out a long, slow breath. “Is it so terrible that I like with what we’ve got going on right now?”

Oliver pursed his lips, trying not to feel the sting under his ribs. “No. But…are you not happy with me?”

“You know I am,” Gabe insisted. He reached one hand up, trailing it up and down Oliver’s sternum. “I love you.”

Oliver swallowed thickly, then asked the question which had been burning in his gut. “Is this because of what happened after my dad visited?” Gabe’s wince was all Oliver needed for conformation. “Bloody fucking Christ, Gabriel,” Oliver said, trying not to let his frustration seep into his tone. “I can’t possibly be more sorry, can’t possibly feel worse about it. But am I not allowed a mistake? Can I not be an arse once or twice in this relationship?”

Gabe shifted away slightly, his gaze hardening. “You can, and that’s not the point. I forgave you, and it’s not what happened that bothers me.”

“So, what is it? You don’t trust me?”

“Truthfully?” Gabe asked, and Oliver nodded. “No, I don’t. I mean, not entirely.”

Oliver reeled back like he’d been slapped, hurt rushing through his body like it never had before. “What have I done besides that one thing—in nearly a sodding year—that gives you reason not to trust me?”