Page 36 of Endless, Forever

Reluctantly letting Gabe up, Oliver wriggled out of his boxers and curled a hand around his cock, watching as his boyfriend retrieved the strap-on and slipped the loops around his thighs. The one he’d bought had a vibrator which rubbed right against Gabe’s dick to bring him off, and Oliver’s cock throbbed when he heard Gabe let out a soft moan.

“Need you,” he said, trying to urge his boyfriend along.

Gabe looked up with a chuckle as he tightened the belt, then walked to the side of the bed and grabbed the lube. “Turn over for me, babe.”

Oliver didn’t need telling twice. He pulled one leg up to his chest as he rolled onto his side, and he let out a slow hiss as Gabe sank one lubed finger into his hole. It had been a while, so the burn was more intense than usual, especially after Gabe added a second finger, but he wanted it—he needed to feel claimed. He thrust back against Gabe’s hand until he couldn’t take it anymore, then turned his head, wordlessly begging for more.

Gabe didn’t hesitate as he slicked up the silicone cock with another palmful of lube, then pushed Oliver to hands and knees before getting behind him. He curled one hand around Oliver’s thigh, the other going up to his chest, fingers toying with his nipple. “Ready for me?” he breathed.

Oliver gave a choked moan, nodding his head fast and tightened his muscles as Gabe slid in with one, smooth thrust. They both let out a small cry. It felt like years since they’d been here, though it had only been days. But the distance Oliver had put between them spoke volumes and volumes, and he never wanted to experience that again.

“Uhg, fuck,” Oliver muttered, lowering his forehead to the mattress. “Fuck.”

“E-el…eloquent,” Gabriel stuttered back against him as he picked up his rhythm. Oliver could feel the faint vibration which was torturing Gabe’s dick, and he thrust back a little harder.

Oliver couldn’t help a strangled laugh as Gabe grunted, then moaned loudly, biting down on the back of Oliver’s shoulder. His legs spread wider, taking Gabe in deeper. His mouth was open in a slight pant, right up against the crook of his elbow, and he began to cant his hips in time with the other man’s.

“So…fucking…close,” Gabe gasped.

Oliver gave only a grunt in reply as Gabe held him by one shoulder, speeding up his thrusts until they were erratic and hard. He heard Gabe come first, quivering and trembling above him. Then, a rush of liquid flooded from the tip of his dick as he careened over the edge, spurting on the sheets below him.

His head bowed forward, and he felt Gabe’s breath brushing across the back of his neck as the aftershocks made his arms shake and shiver. After a moment, when it felt like his arms would give out, he bore down, and Gabe carefully pulled out.

Rolling onto his side, his hand snaked out, carefully brushing a few sweaty curls away from Gabe’s forehead. “That was bloody fantastic.”

Gabe let out a happy hum as he leaned into Oliver’s touch just a little. “Yeah, it was. I hate fighting, but let’s promise to make up this way every time.”

Oliver chuckled and grabbed Gabe by the shoulder, drawing him close. “I can live with that. But let’s not have too many rows, yeah? I prefer the sweet stuff.”

Gabe let out the smallest laugh as he reached up, letting his long fingers draw down Oliver’s cheek. “Look at you. Not a year ago, you hadn’t even had a boyfriend before and just wanted to get your rocks off with quick, one-night stands. Now you like the sweet stuff.”

“You’ve corrupted me with your evil ways and sexy body,” Oliver murmured, pressing a line of kisses down Gabe’s jaw. “It’s criminal. You should be punished.”

“That right?” Gabe asked in a low voice. “How so?”

Grinning wickedly, Oliver kissed him long and slow. “Oh,” he said when he pulled away, “I bet I can come up with something.”


The rest of May passed without any real incident. Leo managed to make it to most of his classes, and passed them all, even if the marks had only just scraped a high C. But it meant he wouldn’t lose his place at the University, and he was doing his best to keep it together.

Coco moved out shortly after, which Oliver was sad to see her go, but watching her graduate was a moment of pride for him. She’d been offered a job at a company in Spain starting almost immediately, so the last week of May was spent with the four of them having a huge yard sale and packing what little she was going to take with her.

“You know,” she said that evening over a massive pile of Chinese take-away boxes and several empty beer bottles, “this house is going to be awfully empty without me here.”

“Like you ever were,” Leo said, rolling his eyes from his spot where he was sprawled across the armchair. “What are we supposed to miss, exactly? The random stilettos left in the middle of the floor? Or when you’d use my toothbrush to unclog the drain?”

“Only when you cut your hair in the sink and then tried to wash it down, you asshole,” she said, rolling her eyes.

Leo flipped her a V with his left hand, then reached for his beer, taking down the rest and slamming the empty bottle on the floor beside him. “Spain’s going to be fantastic, you know. Good beaches, good people. Delicious food. You’re going to have an amazing time and never want to come back.”

“I certainly can’t wait,” she said, grinning. Her gaze flickered over to the sofa where Oliver was laying between Gabe’s legs, his head resting on his boyfriend’s chest. “Anyway, as I was saying about this place being all quiet and lonely.”

Oliver blinked at her. “What of it? I’m not keen on moving, and if you think I’m going to trust some stranger to move in…”

“Not a stranger,” she said pointedly.

Oliver followed her gaze to Gabriel’s face, and felt his face redden. “Oi, d’you mind? Isn’t that the boyfriend’s job to ask?”