Matt looked at me. “You agree with that logic?”
“I think Tanner is a great grandfather.”
Tanner threw his arm around me. “She gets it. Get on our level, Matt. Now let’s talk about prom. Do you know what you’re wearing, Brooklyn?”
“No.” I looked at Matt. “I was actually hoping Jacob could join you at practice while I go shopping.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Tanner said. “I was hoping you didn’t have a dress yet. I’ve got it covered. My treat.”
“You’ve got my dress covered? I don’t think…”
“Nonsense, I’ve got this. I’m the founder of Odegaard.”
That wasn’t possible. Odegaard was around when I was in high school. I’d gone shopping at their flagship store with Matt’s mom. And Tanner was younger than us…
He must have seen my face, because he cleared his throat. “I meant I’m the owner. Now. Because I bought it recently.”
“You didn’t buy it recently,” Matt said. “I’ve been handling your finances for years and it was already an asset.”
“Recently is different for different people. Two days, two decades. Potatoespotahtos. Go and have fun at practice. The more time the two of you have together the better.” He winked at Matt.
Matt hit his arm and mouthed something to him that I couldn’t make out.
I had no idea what was going on. But I hoped Tanner knew what he was doing. One of the first times we’d hung out, he mentioned that he wore eccentric suits. And I wasn’t really an eccentric kind of person.
“Trust me,” Tanner whispered, like he could tell I was hesitant. “I’ve got you.” He dropped his arm from my shoulders. “Now what does my grandson want for lunch?”
“Cuppycakes and meat, I think. You’re growing. You need protein, yes? So you can be as tall as me?”
Jacob nodded.
“Splendid. I’ll let Mary know about the dessert and meat we require.”
Why was everyone else so good at making Jacob eat a balanced meal?
Chapter 31
I wasn’t sure how Jacob had gotten so dirty at practice. But there was even some mud in his hair. Actually, Nigel looked almost just as dirty. Had they been rolling around on the field while I wasn’t looking? And why was Nigel still with us? I thought he’d head back to Tanner’s after practice.
“Cuppycakes for dinner?” Jacob asked as we all walked inside.
I glanced at Brooklyn.
She shook her head.
Yeah, it was probably a bad idea after how much dessert he’d had for lunch. “We need to clean you up first, kiddo.”
“Does that mean Mr. Jacob needs a bath?” Nigel asked.
“Yes, he absolutely does,” Brooklyn said and rubbed some dirt off Jacob’s cheek.
“I can bathe Mr. Jacob.” He looked too excited for my liking.