Page 107 of Grace

“Not funny!” she whined and pouted like a baby while wiping the water from her face.

“C’mon!” I lunged over to her, escaping another incoming. “That’s our lunch coming.”

The motor boat could be heard nearing the small islet. We’d fucked twice, gave each other orgasms with our hands, laid out on the hammock listening to music, and talked for over two hours when I called for food. I was mad hungry and I knew she was, too.

This was remarkable…

That was my very thought as we sat out on a towel, watching the housekeeping staff cart off with our discarded food and eating utensils as the sun set. They’d packed so much for lunch and even grilled fish, shrimp, and scallops here on the small island. We couldn’t finish it all. After lunch, Jas and I napped on the hammock and I was awakened by his finger, rubbing my swelling clit. The orgasm rolling over me was the best wake-up call ever.

We swam again for a while, talking less that time. Eventually, Jas came over to me, wanting to horseplay in the water. I loved his physicality. Loved the jovial playfulness against his quiet, inward ruminative nature. I was that quickly addicted to his aura. I’d had Jas all to myself for a piece of time. The vulnerability I experienced in these private stolen moments with him revealed things Jas couldn’t hide from me if he tried. His eyes told me I was uniquely beautiful. His touch told me I was divinely created. His ears let me know how important I was to the world.

A familiar tune crooned through the speaker. It sparked a desire.

“Come on,” I grunted while hopping to my feet. “Let’s go. The speaker’s going to die soon. Right?” The housekeeping staff forgot to bring another portable charger although Jas requested it when ordering the food. “I love this song.”

With little hesitation, he rose from the shore and opened his arms to me. I fell in right away, pressing my face into his hard shoulder. Even salt and sex smelled good on him.

“This old school, old school,” he murmured over my head. “My moms used to rock out to this.”

I wanted to remind him it was the song playing when I walked into his home for the first time, believing it was a rental. But bringing that up would spoil the mood and that’s not what I wanted. I wanted peace with Jas. The type of peace that would guarantee the growls he gave when we were naked and at each other.

“Mine, too!” I hated the whimsicality in my voice. “She would dance with my dad to this.”

“Is that the type of ‘happily ever after Shi’ you want? What your pops and moms had?”

I kissed his hot shoulder.

“No. I want my own. I want something that would last the test of time, as the old school songs would say.”

Well, I want you. All of you…

Of course, those words never left my mouth. Witherspoon was too damn headstrong with her independence. I’d just have to pursue her as I did every other desire I’d achieved and had so successfully accomplished. She was now on my list. The list that never steered me wrong.

We danced in each other’s arms until the speaker died. Then we kissed for what felt like forever. It was good, complete. When we packed up and headed back to the house on the jet ski left behind for us, Witherspoon held on to me with one arm and a bottle ofChâteau Blevinin the other hand, singing the lyrics to a random ass Ragee song.

“Be my whoooooore!”

“Yeah.” I doodled on a writing pad I managed to find in the kitchen. “Just send my whole bag.”

Becky, on the other line, slurred over the Caribbean tunes, “Your room is a fucking mess, Shi-Shi. That’s gonna be a lot for me to clean.”

I let out a big yawn then chuckled. “You’re drunk. My room isn’t messy; I swear. Just dump everything in my suitcases.”

“And your makeup?”

“Oh, yeah. Be sure to put all the shit I left out in the bathroom in the toiletry bag first. Then put that into the suitcase.”

“Duh, bitch. Who do you think I am? A child?”

“You know how trifling you are. Now, can I trust you to remember everything I’ve said, or do I have to set my phone to call you crazy early in the morning?” Another yawn pushed from my chest.

“Yeah, yeah. I got it. Go, enjoy your big dick boo.”

I was too tired for the guffaw that adjective deserved, but I managed a chuckle. “Who said all that, Becky?”

“Girl, I could tell by his dick print when he was carrying you to the water! He was fucking hard, bitch, and I don’t think that shit was fully inflated.Damn, why did I marry white?”

I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes up to the corner of the room. “Maybe because you’re white?”