Page 106 of Grace

She nodded, moving rhythmically. The girl was born to dance. This track was moving, definitely feeling spiritual to me. The notes ascended into a choir vibe, forcing you to align with it. And Witherspoon did. She spun, kicked, flipped…did all kinds of impressive moves.

Chapter 15

Part II cont’d

May | Present Day

Butterflies broke loose in my damn stomach, and abs and hands shook with nervous need as I rolled the rubber on. Witherspoon’sMauve-scented breath blew over my head, waiting impatiently. Before I could move my hand away, she was sitting down on me. My eyes closed, rolling to the back of my head.

She lifted and dropped, bucked, and stroked, trying to fit me in. “Mmmm…” she moaned, eyes closed tight.

I looked up to her, seeing her head just over her naked tits and the heavens just above her head. What a damn view as she rode me on the hammock. My hands reached up and squeezed her boobs, the bikini top pushed up to give me access. Witherspoon strained as she plummeted down on me, I did the same stroking upward while trying to keep a balance on the swing.

I asked her if we should do this on here when she climbed aboard, licking my chest. The condom was in her hand and the agenda of fucking planted in her mind. She’d found them in my book bag. And now biting her bottom lip, I regretted taking the chance, wishing for a sturdier surface to make her scream my name from.

When her two fingers pressed against my lips, I traced them with the tip of my tongue then pushed in between and flickered. She watched me mimic eating her pussy with tight eyes while riding me. The center vein of her forehead was thick as the muscles in her face strained. With them still to my mouth, I reached up to pull her at her nipple and sucked on it.

“You’re about to make me cum…” she whimpered again.

And she did. That fast, she began swallowing and squeezing my cock faster and faster. Even on a hot ass beach, she felt warm, soft, creamy…milky. And she took all of me, letting me fill her completely as she grabbed me at the shoulders, pointy nails digging into my skin.

“Oh, gosh. Jas!”

“I don’t like fighting with you.”

The next wave rolled into us and we jumped to avoid having it hit our faces.

“I ‘on’t like fighting no more. At all.” I wanted to make clear.

“Then why do we?”

We’d been out in the water, traveling deeper and deeper until now. I loved this space. Permanently mentally recorded this moment in time of being in paradise with my “paradise.”

“Because we’re imperfect people. We’re going to make mistakes while getting to know each other.”

“But my issue with you is you opening up to me.”

“And my issue is trusting you to not judge me.”

“I feel like we’re repeating the same arguments.”

“Good!” I pretended to blow out a frustrating breath. “Then we’re gucci ‘cause that’s what we’re doing and I don’t want to keep chasing our tails.”

“Then what do you want to do?” Her expression was sober as we jumped another wave.

“I wanna do the work. Just like I work on my list and at my businesses, I wanna work at being a good man in your eyes.”

Witherspoon’s brows met. “You serious?”

I tried to nod, but didn’t know if she could see it in the height of water we’d made it to. “I do. I’m good at working. You remember Proverbs thirteen, verse four.”

She glanced away. “You know I don’t.”

“The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing. But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich. I don’t just want to be right by you: I want to do right. That’s an action verb. I wanna put in the work the same way I do all of my other pursuits, Witherspoon.”

“When you say other pursuits, you don’t mean the sister wives—” She was overtaken by a wave I managed to jump.

I cracked up when she rose from the water, wiping down her face. “That’s what ya silly ass get for making a stupid ass joke when I’m pouring my heart out to you.”