Page 40 of Love & Betrayal

The sound of the alarm pierced my ears, and I scurried backward. I darted to the door and flung it open. Donovan never allowed me to close it when he was here.

“I’ll check,” Zayne said, collecting his black dress shoes and sliding them on. He immediately slipped into bodyguard mode, and I mentally cursed a blue streak, realizing that we’d nearly kissed and could have been caught. My attention was glued to the back of Zayne as he walked into the foyer, the muscles in his legs and ass flexing with every step he took. Terror clawed at my spine, leaving me gasping for air. What if Donovan had returned already? My pulse pounded so hard with anxiety that my ears rang.

Unable to take the suspense any longer, I hurried down the hall and to the foyer.

“Thank you,” Marty said and closed the door. He turned, realizing that I was behind him. “Girl Scout cookies.” Marty pinned me with a withering glare.

I glanced at Zayne, and my legs began to tremble.

Shit.I bet he’d noticed the door was closed in my studio. I squared my shoulders and tipped my chin up. Fuck him. I was a grown woman, and I deserved some privacy. But even with my mental pep talk, I knew damned well that Donovan would punish me severely when he returned home. A terrifying realization dawned on me. If I wanted to escape with my life, time was of the essence.

And I only had six more days to make a plan.



“Are you ready?” I asked Zayne from the kitchen the following day. He’d only left me for a few minutes to shower last night, and I wasn’t even sure when it happened. I only saw a damp towel hanging next to mine in the bathroom. To my surprise, I’d fallen into a dreamless sleep, waking refreshed for the first time since I was a young girl. His presence in my bedroom had proven a good thing. A few days ago, I would have felt a lot differently.

“Shopping? Yoga?” He asked as he smoothed his black Westbrook Security shirt.

“All of it. I would also like to go to the dance store and purchase some new toe shoes. I’m ready to get back into the studio on a regular basis.” I glanced at him as I rinsed my coffee cup, then loaded it in the dishwasher, wondering what Zayne might do if he knew that Donovan had raped me in this exact spot the moment that he and Pierce walked through the front door.

“Good. It will probably help you lose the weight Donovan wants you to drop.”

I resisted the urge to sucker punch Zayne right in the fucking nose, but I understood he was speaking to me that way for Donovan’s and Marty’s sakes. I’d been so wrapped up in our day together, I’d forgotten that Marty was a weasel, and Donovan compensated him well for his spying abilities. It didn’t mean his words didn’t royally piss me off, though.

My gaze landed on Zayne’s arms, wishing they were around me again. But after the scare with the alarm system beeping and the reminder that Marty could and would report any “poor” behavior to Donovan, it was too risky.

The best thing to do was get out of the house where Zayne and I could talk openly. Sweat slickened my palms, an incessant reminder of what I had planned for today.You’re putting everyone in danger.My stomach dropped to my toes, and a sharp pain stabbed me in the chest. I shoved the fear into a dark hole, reminding myself that I had to break free one way or the other. I had to try to leave alive this time.

I collected my Hermes handbag from my dresser and shot Zayne a stony look. “Let’s go, bodyguard,” I said, my tone clipped and rude. I proceeded through the living room, then to the foyer. As usual, Zayne was on my heels, but I swore I could feel his heated gaze on my back.

My shoes smacked against the marble floor, announcing my presence. Marty was stationed at the front door, watching me like a hawk preparing to swoop in on his prey. I gave him a sweet smile as I approached him. Placing my hand on his chest, I unnecessarily smoothed his white dress shirt. “I’ll be out shopping. Would you like me to pick anything up for you?” I peered up at him beneath my dark eyelashes. Marty might have been on Donovan’s payroll, but I knew for a fact that he wanted to fuck me. His brown eyes darkened, and his tongue darted over his lower lip. “Donovan would never have to know,” I said in a hushed tone.

The asshole could take that comment however he wanted, but he would never touch me unless I allowed it. Not even Donovan would be able to give me to him. I stepped away, my lips forming a slight pout. Marty gulped, and I realized he was putty in my hands. He didn’t understand he was getting played, and by the end of the week, I knew I would change his mind about reporting to Donovan. I was fighting for my survival, and any tool I used was fair play in my book.

“I’m fine, thank you, Giselle,” Marty croaked.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Pay an old creep a little attention and he was ready to do whatever I wanted. It disgusted me, but if Marty kept his mouth closed, it would spare me from being raped and beaten. The trade-off was worth it.

I peeked over my shoulder and slipped my sunglasses in place. “Coming, bodyguard?” I flashed Marty a warm smile, then left the house.

The front door shut behind me, and I removed my phone from my purse. Once I opened the text message, I filled the screen with the puke emoji. I knew better than to show Zayne until we were away from the mansion. Marty was probably watching us through the see-through curtains in the living room as we hopped into the car.

The farther away Zayne drove, the more relief flooded my body. When we reached a red light, I held up my cell so that he could see my reaction to Marty. Below the vomit emojis was the address where I wanted to go.

He nodded but didn’t provide me with any other response. Anxiety scraped my skin, and I rubbed my arms. Maybe I’d pissed off Zayne when I’d flirted with Marty. Although I didn’t need to explain myself, I should. My brain bounced around, toying with whether or not to talk to him later about what I’d done. Shame surrounded me like a toxic cloud, tugging on my battered soul. I hated that each decision I made in life was to avoid being raped and beaten. I wondered what life would be like if I no longer had to weigh every word and action. If I were free to speak my mind without horrible consequences.

An all-consuming ache spread through me, and I gripped the handle of my purse.

Zayne pulled up to the curb, and I hopped out of the car before he’d come to a complete stop. Glancing at my watch, I realized we were a few minutes early for the school’s recess. I knew it was a risk, but I couldn’t stop myself. Ineededto see her.

The bell rang, and students spilled out of the building and onto the playground. I entered the gate, then waited until I found the one special kiddo I was looking for. My gaze zeroed in on the nearby teacher, and I gave her a friendly wave. It was customary for her to acknowledge me before I spent time with Ashley.

The sun glinted off Ashley’s dark hair, catching her natural red highlights. I welcomed the huge smile that slipped into place, my heart leaping with happiness.

Ashley spotted me and sprinted in my direction. I laughed as she barreled into me and flung her arms around my waist.