Page 41 of Love & Betrayal

“Hey, hon.” I gently tugged her ponytail and kissed the top of her head.

“Hi! I wasn’t sure I would see you again.” Ashley looked up, and her big hazel eyes were full of tears.

“I told you I would be back.” I gently tapped her on her freckled nose. “We should say hi to Mrs. Samson.”

“She’s fine with you visiting.” Ashley released me and took my hand. “Mrs. Samson told me to come over and see you.”

I lowered my sunglasses and peered over the lenses in the teacher’s direction. She acknowledged us, so I pointed to the picnic table located at the edge of the playground. Mrs. Samson gave me a thumbs-up and quickly turned her attention to a pair of boys wrestling on the grass.

“How have you been this week? Are you learning a lot?” I sat on the top of the cement table and reached out to steady Ashley as she climbed up and joined me. Glancing at Zayne, I realized that he had remained next to the car, which was a smart move. It would probably scare the kids if he followed me onto the playground. He was a big, intimidating guy. Besides, I preferred to talk to Ashley by myself. I rarely saw her, so the time with her was precious.

I listened as Ashley rattled off details about the book she was reading, how she’d worked her way up into the advanced groups for math and science, and that she was still taking gymnastics and dance. I’d always wanted her to have a well-rounded life, and it seemed she was doing okay.

“I miss you, sweet girl.” I smoothed her hair.

“I miss you, too.” Ashley hugged me again. “Don’t go. Please.” She peered up at me with wistful eyes.

I rubbed her back, soothing not only her but my brokenness as well. Being away from her was sheer agony.

Ashley sat up, and I wiped the moisture from her cheeks. “I will never leave you.” I placed my fingertips over her heart. “When you’re sad, remember that I’m right here.”

“I do,” she sniffled.

The bell rang way too soon, but I knew it was a short recess. It was a shame that adults expected kids to sit in class all day, with only a few ten-minute breaks to run and channel their unbridled energy. They needed the sunshine on their skin and that feeling of freedom.

Ashley took my hand, squeezing it as more tears welled in her eyes. “Will you be back tomorrow?”

“We’ll see, baby.” Even though Zayne hadn’t seen anyone tail us, we still had to be careful, and visiting too much posed a risk.

I hugged her goodbye and stood rooted to my spot as I watched her run across the playground and line up with the rest of her class. Mrs. Samson gave me a little wave, and I returned it. When the last child had entered the building, I slowly made my way to the Mercedes. Sadness cloaked me as we climbed into the front seats, then I fastened my seatbelt.

Zayne remained quiet as he drove away. I had no idea where we were going, and I didn’t care, as long as it wasn’t home or sitting in the car. I fidgeted in my seat, unable to get comfortable. My muscles twitched as I was consumed with a feeling of restlessness. My nerves spun out of control while I battled with how and when to tell Zayne about my life—about Ashley.

I glanced at the bodyguard next to me, and a rush of calm briefly soothed me. Seconds later, I was once again shrouded in uncertainty. Mentally ticking off all the reasons that I had to escape Donovan, I’d come to the realization that one of them was Zayne. I hadn’t ever been free to explore a relationship before, and my heart was pulling me in that direction. Even though he hadn’t hidden his feelings for me, I realized our next conversation might send him emotionally walking away from me. I wasn’t sure I could handle that, but I had to try.

I placed my hand on Zayne’s arm, tugging on the sleeve of his polo shirt. “We need to talk,” I mouthed.

He nodded, then turned off Division Street and headed down a back road. The heat had settled over Spokane and had turned the grass a dreadful brown.

Zayne pulled up a playlist, and “She Goes” by Jordan Hart played, breaking the silence between us. At least we weren’t firing cheap, cruel shots at each other for Donovan’s sake. I wasn’t sure I could deal with that at the moment. More than that, I was angry and hurt after leaving Ashley, and I didn’t want to rip Zayne’s head off when he didn’t deserve it.

I stared out of the window, slightly jumping when Zayne reached over, his warm hand settling over mine. Surprised, I glanced at him before I threaded my fingers through his, seeking comfort in his touch.

Zayne veered off the paved road, turned onto a circular driveway, and parked in front of a three-car garage. The large contemporary-style house surrounded by acres of hardwood trees appeared comfy and inviting.

He released me, then turned off the engine. We exited the Mercedes, and again, he took my hand in his.

I wanted to ask him where we were, but there wasn’t enough space between us and the vehicle to be certain that Donovan couldn’t overhear us. It should have scared me with how calculated I’d had become to survive, but to me it was just another life lesson I’d been forced to learn.

Zayne reached into the front pocket of his slacks and produced a key, then unlocked the front door and motioned for me to come in.

As soon as the entrance was secured and the locks were in place, Zayne shoved his fingers through his dark blonde hair. “This is my best friend’s house, and Vaughn and Claire are gone for the day. It’s all ours. We can talk freely.”

His words slowly registered, and I threw my arms around him. “Thank you.”

Zayne wrapped me in a warm hug, holding me against his muscular body for a long moment before releasing me and removing his sunglasses. “Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, I guess I am.”