Bonnie glared, but wisely, she stayed silent.

“Calvin,” Sadie continued. “One of my contacts managed to dig up an ali—”

“Calvin,” Bonnie whined. “I need you. Please.”

Sadie glared at the rude woman, but, strangely, said nothing to her. But to Cal she said, “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Go!” shooing him away, her anger evident in the red crawling up her neck, the way her jaws clenched.

Jasper smacked the table and stood, staring at his brother and then Bonnie. “You don’t come to dinner,” he growled, “then you don’t fucking interrupt dinner. You need a doctor, call one. This is your only warning.” To Calvin he said, “Go,” a little gentler, who then stood and hurried after his woman.

“Well,” Kat sighed. “As fun as this has been, I need to get back to the office. Someone has to keep the empire running smoothly.”

She finished off her second wine glass of whiskey with a loud, exaggerated smack of her lips, her gaze aimed at Jasper. “Do I need my babysitter or can I head to the office alone?” Her gaze glossed right over me, which was odd because yesterday we’d been fine.

Until Jasper called, a small voice reminded me.

“You’re not going alone,” Jasper told her and turned to me. “You mind spending a few hours keeping an eye on Kat? It won’t be more than a few hours, will it Kat?”

She folded her arms, a challenge in her sapphire eyes. “It’ll take however long it takes, Jas. It’s business, not a fucking fight.”

She tossed her napkin down and left the table after a quick squeeze of Sadie’s shoulder and a short hug for Maisie.

I followed Kat out to her car, where she hurriedly snapped in the seatbelt and her gaze focused on the phone in her hand.

As soon as I got in and started the car, I said, “You’re in a fine mood today.”

She shrugged. “I am who I am, Terry.”

She was pissed, and I was sure I was the reason. “You mad at me, Kitty Kat?” Before she could answer, I put the car in gear and placed my right hand on her thigh.

“To be mad at you, Terry, we’d have to be more than fuck buddies. Which we are not.”

“We’re also friends.” My hand slid up her denim covered thigh as the car rolled through the gates of Ashby Manor. “Aren’t we?” I let my pinky finger brush her pussy through her jeans until she moaned.

“Mutual acquaintances,” she said on a lusty gasp. “At best.”

“That’s not true,” I told her and added more pressure to the seam that covered her clit, making her gasp and moan inside the quiet car. “Say it’s not true, Kat.”

“No,” she insisted with a mischievous smile. “It is true. Absolutely true,” she moaned as I applied more pressure.

“Stubborn little bitch,” I laughed because she could deny it all she wanted, but by the time we pulled into the parking garage, she was halfway to an orgasm. Her skin was flushed pink and slightly slick from exertion, she was fucking beautiful.

“That’s Miss Bitch, to you, Manning.” Her lips curled into a devious smile as we stepped onto the elevator because she knew there was nothing I could do with all the cameras in the garage and the elevator.

But I was good at biding my time. “I was thinking sexy bitch, maybe even kinky bitch.”

Kat arched a dark brow at me. “Or your personal favorite? Rich bitch.”

The doors slid open, and I moved in close enough to whisper in her ear. “You’re my favorite, Kat. Period.”

I didn’t miss the gasp she let out as she marched to her office to get away from me and the way I made her feel. I didn’t blame her at all, one of us had to be smart about this, and I was incapable of being anything but stupid where Kat was concerned. “Don’t confuse things, Terry. I don’t like it.”

I closed the door and frowned at Kat when she got in my face, her blue eyes practically black with some emotion I couldn’t name.

“I’m just as confused as you are, Kitty Kat.”

“Bullshit,” she growled and pushed at my chest.

I grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her close. “It’s not bullshit, it’s the truth. Even if it scares you.”

“Scares me?” She laughed. “Nothing scares me, Terry. Not even you.”

She pushed at my chest again and walked over to her desk, unbuttoning her jeans as her gaze lasered in on mine.

“But we do want the same thing right now.” She shoved her jeans down her legs and turned to bend over her desk, giving me the perfect view of her heart shaped ass.

Shit. She was right about one thing and that was how much I wanted her. Right now. Even from a few feet away I could see how wet her pussy was, how it glistened between her thighs.