“Kat,” I said on a tortured breath.

“Come on, Terry. Fuck me. Give us both what we want. What we need.”

She wiggled her ass and it was like a magnet, pulling me closer and closer until I had a handful of her ass in my hands, squeezing and kneading while her moans echoed off the walls.

Her head fell to the desk when I slid two fingers inside her and found her dripping wet.

“Yes!” she said, telling me I’d found the spot.

“All for me?”

“Terry,” she growled, her voice a warning that made my dick even harder. “Now.”

“Right now?” Even as I teased her with my fingers, my other hand worked quickly to free my cock and get inside her.

“Oh fuck. Such a sweet little cunt,” I told her and licked her juices off my fingers.

Her pussy clenched and pulsed around me and I knew she was close to orgasm. “Fuck. Yes!”

This was a much different fuck from yesterday where I held her through a powerful orgasm that brought tears to her eyes. Today she wanted it hard and fast to match her anger, and I was too hard, too far gone to do anything but give Kat what she wanted.

I hated that I couldn’t see her blue eyes or the way she bit down on her bottom lip when pleasure overwhelmed her, but this was what she wanted. What she needed. And I was a man who loved a fine ass and Kat’s was one of the finest, with just enough jiggle. Smacking her ass hard while I fucked her from behind made my cock harder and harder.

But it wasn’t enough.

I grabbed her by the hair and pulled until her back was pressed to my chest. I wrapped one hand around her throat and used the other to play with her clit while my dick invaded every inch of her cunt. She gasped in my arms as I tightened my grip on her throat and slammed into her until she trembled and vibrated.

“Terry, oh fuck! Yes!”

I fucked her hard. Fast. The air around us thick with desire and tension, the only sound was her moans of pleasure, my grunts and the sound of my cock plunging into her wet pussy.

“I love the way your pussy is so greedy for my cock,” I growled in her ear.

“Then give me more,” she choked out on a labored breath.

I did just that, bending her over so she was trapped between me and the desk. I pumped into her cunt until pleasure exploded and her pussy nearly strangled my cock.

“Oh, fuck yes! Yes! Fuck…yes!” Even after she collapsed against the desk, her pussy continued to milk my cock until my own orgasm shot from my body and straight into hers.

“Fuck, Kat! Babe, yes!” I continued to thrust into her, unwilling to step away from the wet heat of her pulsing cunt. Or how good she made me feel.

I was so thoroughly fucked but being buried inside Kat, I didn’t give a shit.



I’d spent more time daydreaming about Terry over the past two days than I had throughout most of my teens, which was pretty fucking sad because I was a grown woman in charge of a multi-million dollar operation.

I wasn’t some lovelorn teenager. Oh yes you are! that sarcastic little bitch who lived inside my head reminded me, and the kicker was, she was right.

Even though I knew I shouldn’t be daydreaming about the man, or the way he’d fucked me on my desk two nights ago, I was.

But it wasn’t just his cock or the orgasms that had me drooling over him, the worst part was the way he made me laugh. The way he held me last night, like I was precious, or the way he’d made shrimp scampi for me because he remembered how much I liked it. Put all of that together, and I had no doubt, I was in love with Terry Manning.

A man who was currently doing a pretty impressive impersonation of rock or stone at the moment. He was entirely too fucking good at hiding his emotions. He gave nothing away, not with his gaze or his touch, and certainly not with his words. I felt like I was in love all by myself and that feeling sucked.

A quick glance at the man of stone as he maneuvered into the parking lot of House of Ashby, and the truth was, I was in this alone. Completely and totally alone. Even if Terry felt what I felt, he respected Jasper more. Which also sucked.

But I wasn’t going to pout about it or push him. I wasn’t even going to be the angry, passive-aggressive bitch I’d been at Sunday dinner. I was going to be the strong, independent woman I was, and slowly learn how to live without him. While enjoying the crazy hot sex for however long it lasted.