Those three hours flew by quickly and by the end I felt like I was more than capable of finding the information I was after without Cal’s help. And just to prove it, I spent the rest of the day in my office, digging into Madison’s sister, Molly. And the McLaughlins.

It was a damn productive day.



“Sorry I’m late!” Kat rushed into the dining room about seventy seconds after we’d sat down for Sunday dinner, which earned her a death glare from Sadie for her tardiness. “I got lost in a project I’m working on.” She flashed an ominous smile that made me curious about what she was up to.

“Something you want to share with us?” Jasper leaned forward, resting on his elbows with one brow arched in a question.

Bonnie sat quietly next to Cal. Too quietly, I thought.

“Nope,” Kat said simply and poured two and a half fingers of Irish whiskey, drinking half in one big gulp that, like most things where Kat Ashby was concerned, drew my attention. Something was up with her and she was determined to keep it to herself.

As usual, the conversation around the table centered on the various Ashby interests, from the casinos to the gaming rooms, whore houses, and of course, the fight.

“I’m very impressed with the hard work you all have put in to make sure this fight is a success,” Sadie spoke slowly, almost softly, as her gaze bounced around the table, landing on each person seated there. “One more week to go and then we can all relax.”

“Whatever that means,” Jasper grumbled from his spot to Sadie’s left, and finished off his second glass of whiskey. I knew he was still worried about Ravager, even if he hadn’t said a word about it.

Virgil let out a low growl from his seat to Sadie’s right, Maisie beside him with a serene smile on her face, shot a glare at his brother.

“It means Rachel Cruz will be Emmett’s first female champ, and the House of Ashby’s first. When that happens, the rest of us can go back to focusing on the Rhymers and The Crusaders.”

Leave it to Virgil to put everything in perspective.

“Exactly,” Sadie said with a satisfied smile. “If she can keep that hunger and aggression that got her this far, we’ll have a bona fide star on our hands.”

“Too bad she’s a half-second slow moving her head. Her opponent ain’t called Speedy Morales for nothing.”

Emmett glared at me and said, “You’re just full of positive feedback, aren’t you?”

I shrugged and cast another glance at Kat, who was still preoccupied with something.

“Being positive and holding their hands is your job. I just tell you what I see. What you do with that info, baby bro, is up to you. As always.”

“In other news,” Maisie began with wide, excited blue eyes, “Kat spent the afternoon with Travis Stone.”

“The tech billionaire?” My question came out in an outraged growl that had Emmett smirking and Kat frowning.

“Yep,” Maisie answered easily, not at all bothered by my tone. “I was sure Kat wasn’t his type, but he had nothing but good things to say about you. All day.”

Kat groaned and rolled her eyes as I tried to tamp down the angry jealousy that tore through me. I had no right to feel jealous or anything else where Kat was concerned. Stone was exactly the type of guy she ought to be with, rich, smart, and worldly.

“It wasn’t like that, as I already told you. I’m interested in his work and what man doesn’t like to talk about himself?” Her words were right but her tone was off, just slightly. I knew Kat well, knew her every expression, and she was lying. She could play it off to everyone else, but I knew she was lying and it only made me want to know why.

“Whatever you say,” she teased. “But Travis isn’t easy to impress, and he was more than impressed by you.”

Kat shrugged. “Well he’s a very smart man, and clearly he has excellent taste.” Her smile was teasing as it always was, but there was mischief in her eyes. “Are we going to have an Ashby wedding soon? Or is that just a way for you two to put off having babies?”

Virgil and Maisie sent a collective groan into the air, while Cal and Jasper laughed. “Thanks for that Kitty Kat.”

She mad-dogged Virgil for using her hated childhood nickname, drawing laughter from the entire table. “It was just a question,” she said innocently.

“A damn good question,” Sadie said as Thomas came in to clear the plates and serve dessert. “A wedding will be a nice distraction. Whenever it happens,” she said with a pointed look at Virgil and then at Maisie.

“All right, Ma. Got it.”

Maisie turned a look toward Kat. “I guess I’ll take that list of wedding planners now,” she said, shoulders relaxed in resignation. “Maybe Travis will be your plus one.”