“Maybe I’ll even bring him to the baby shower,” Kat shot back and stuck her tongue out. They were already like sisters, wedding or not.

Maisie stood and dropped her napkin. “Dinner was fantastic, Sadie, but I need to call my baby brother before it gets too late. See how things are in Texas.” She cast a regretful smile around the table. “I’ll keep you updated on wedding festivities,” she added as an afterthought.

Sadie nodded, brows arched when Virgil stood and put a hand to his fiancée’s waist. “I’ll be back,” he said with finality before he and Maisie disappeared.

Jasper snorted. “Yeah, he’ll be back. In an hour. Make sure you shower first,” he called after Virgil with a satisfied grin.

Bonnie let out a yawn and Thomas was at her side in an instant, helping her to her feet before he escorted her from the dining room. “Good night everyone.”

“Sleep well Bonnie and baby,” Kat called after her with a genuine but worry-filled smile that had me wondering what that was all about.

Kat, it seemed, was full of secrets lately. I didn’t like it. She was such an open book most days, wore her every thought and feeling on her face.

“What up with her?” She directed the question at a distracted Cal, who shrugged.

“She’s pregnant Kat. What do you expect?”

“For you not to bite my head off for asking a simple question.” With a shake of her head, she turned away from Cal, dismissing whatever he’d been about to say in response.

She flashed a sincere smile and said, “Thanks for encouraging the fighters to do promo Em. It’s had the desired effect.” And then some lever deep inside tripped and she went into corporate drone mode, talking about social media numbers, Q score increases, and sales numbers. She finished with, “We’re all gonna make a lot of money.”

Emmett flashed an embarrassed smile as he stood. “I’m happy to help Kat. Thanks for dinner, Sadie. The roast beef was magnificent, but I have to get back to the gym. Rachel needs some help,” he said with a pointed glare my way.

The room fell silent until Emmett was gone, leaving the inner circle, so to speak, minus Virgil. “No need to retire to the office since we’re among family,” Sadie said as she stood to grab her silver cigarette case and another decanter of whiskey. I appreciated that Sadie considered me family. She always had and never treated me any differently than the rest of her kids. Good or bad.


He nodded at her unspoken command and finished his whiskey before he slid the glass her way. I did the same before Jasper gave his report.

“I spoke with Ravager and he was less than receptive to my request and belligerent to my order. He’s not happy that he’s not getting the belt.”

Shit. Emmett was right. I put in my two cents.

“Emmett said Rob’s been acting funny lately. Nothing specific, just jumpy and acting different. Em doesn’t think it’s just nerves.”

“Do you?” Jasper’s green eyes stared at me, detailing my expression to get the answers he was after.

“After hearing what you just said, no, I don’t.”

“Who is the new Lance? Get him on the phone now,” Sadie barked, but my phone was already in my hand and dialing.

“Provo, get to House of Ashby right now. Keep eyes on Ravager until I tell you to stop.” I listened and nodded, noting all eyes in the room were on me. Especially Kat’s. “Great. Keep me updated.”

Sadie flashed a smile at me. “I do love your efficiency, Terry.”

“Thanks. Provo will be there in about fifteen minutes.”

“Excellent.” Sadie nodded her approval. “Kat, anything on Mueller?”

Kat nodded at her mother and then shook her head, thick chocolate brown hair falling around her shoulders temptingly. My fingers itched to touch the silky looking waves. Then she shrugged and blew out a breath before finishing off her whiskey and sliding the glass toward Sadie.

“A girl came to see me. A young girl looking for her sister, Molly, who worked for a couple that worked for the Church.”

Jasper and Sadie both groaned at the mention of their second largest enemy. “How’d you find her?” Jasper asked.

“She found me. Actually, she found the couple her sister worked for the last time she’d heard from her, and then she found me because they checked into one of the Mueller Suites.” Kat let out a long breath and continued. “Between basic internet research and help from Travis Stone, I managed to confirm much of Madison’s story.”

Jasper frowned, but it was Sadie who looked most displeased. In fact she looked ready to kill.

“And the girl?” she asked, her words urgent. Demanding.

“That’s what brought Madison to Glitz. She hasn’t heard from her in a few months. She’s fairly sure the McLaughlins are the reason for the silence. I am too,” she said with a heavy heart. “They checked into the hotel as the Smith family.”