“Daddies seem to have a lot of responsibilities. That must be hard on them. I would love my Daddy with all my heart for choosing to take care of me.”

“Maybe the most important thing a Daddy and Little can do is talk to each other. I know I can’t read minds.”

“Do you know who wrote those, Angel?” Colt asked, looking up to meet her eyes.

“I… I did. In our book,” she admitted, recognizing those statements she had written so many years ago.

“Have you changed your mind about any of those observations? It’s okay if you have. People change. Needs differ,” he suggested.

Harper hung her head and remembered trying to come up with even one of those comments in the margins of the book. She’d thought about each one for long periods of time—sometimes days. She’d even practiced writing those words over and over until her handwriting looked immaculate. Adding her thoughts had been important to her.

“How do you have my thoughts?” she asked, trying to deflect the conversation.

“I copied everything you wrote into a notebook. Before I moved away, I typed it up in a Word document. Now, I keep it on my phone. It helps me remember what’s important,” he shared.

“Maybe I was just rambling.”

“I don’t think that’s true. I think you crafted these from the heart. Has what you desire changed in twenty years, Little girl?”

“No,” burst from her lips, shocking her with the vehement denial. Harper looked down at the floor. She tried to figure out what to do—how to make this right. When he walked forward to wrap his arms around her, Harper buried her face against Colt’s chest. Clinging to his powerful body, she let his strength steady her.

“It’s hard being brave. Did you panic when I suggested punishments, or was it something else?” Colt questioned.

“Punishments,” she whispered. He’d brought up the subject of spankings several times.

“I see. Are you scared of getting a spanking or of not wearing panties?”

“Not wearing panties is naughty.”

“Is that different than not listening to your Daddy?” he suggested.

After a long pause, she answered, “No. I’m scared of getting a spanking, too.”

“There are several kinds of spankings, Little girl: punishments, stress relief, erotic, playful. They each serve a different purpose,” Colt shared.

“Erotic?” she whispered. “Like in sex?”

“Usually before sex. You could think of it as foreplay.”

“Doesn’t it hurt?”

“In a good way. I think you need a demonstration.” Colt rubbed her back before setting her slightly away from him. He tugged her blue T-shirt over her head and tossed it over the couch before unfastening her jeans. Dispensing of those quickly as well as her underwear, socks, and shoes, Colt stood up to remove her bra and add it to the growing stack.

“Come lie over my lap, Angel.”

“I’m scared.”

“Do you trust me, Harper?” he asked. When she nodded, Colt took a seat and patted his lap.

“Will you help me?” she asked, moving to stand beside him.

“Always, Little girl.”

Within seconds, he had her stretched over his lap. Colt ran a hand over her bare bottom, caressing her flesh softly. “You are so beautiful, Angel. I am the luckiest man alive to have your trust.”

He swatted her lightly, scattering the impact across her bottom and upper thighs. The few that landed right on the seam of her pussy made her gasp. It ignited something inside her. The heat building on her skin made her wiggle on his lap.

“Spread your legs, Angel,” he said quietly, interrupting her thoughts.

Freezing at the sound of his voice, Harper hesitated a fraction of a second and felt him deliver a stinging smack on her full bottom. Instantly, she obeyed. Harper knew he could see that she was wet. From the first moment she’d dangled over his hard thighs, she’d felt her juices gathering between her legs. This shouldn’t be turning her on… Yet, it did.

“Good girls sometimes ask for spankings, Angel,” he told her in that deep, quiet voice as he swatted between her legs. The vibration of that impact flowed through her body. “I’m always glad to pay attention when you need my help.”

His hand ceased peppering her bottom to rub over the pink skin before tracing the seam of her pussy. Easing into her pink folds, he explored her reaction. “Mmm, you’re very wet, Angel, but not quite wet enough.”

Colt lifted his hand to return to landing swats to her full bottom. At infrequent intervals, he returned to explore her intimately. Brushing over her clit, he sent shivers of sensation through Harper before returning to deliver her spanking. He repeated this pattern intermittently. She never knew when he would stop one to begin the other.

Everything blended together, the sting and the thrill. The next time he fluttered his fingers between her legs, Harper’s breath caught in her throat. Those captivating sensations hovered just out of her reach. She thought she could gather them in, but he abandoned his caresses just before all the thrilling zings fused together.