“Daddy!” she protested.

This time, the stinging swat of reproach landed directly on her pussy. The wet sound echoed in the quiet space as the vibrations from the impact were the final push she needed.

“Daddy!” she called into the room, clutching at his leg for stability as she felt her body explode into pleasure.

Colt delivered a flurry of light swats, making her squirm as he pushed her climax higher. When his hand stopped and rubbed softly over her skin, Harper sagged over his lap, trying to catch her breath.

“Daddy? Can you hold me?” she asked, needing to be closer.

Instantly, Colt moved to shift her into his arms. He rocked her back and forth as he sang softly to her. Holding onto him, Harper didn’t ever want to leave his arms. He knew her so well.

As her mind calmed, she listened to the words he sang. It was from his first big hit, the one that established his ability as a songwriter and performer. Sung only by him without any instruments or backup singers, the words resonated inside her.

What happens when the time isn’t right? When love comes too soon or too late? Remember how it feels, shimmering outside your reach. Use that to fuel you when it reappears. Pay attention, it’s time to fight.

“Did you write that about us?” she asked.

“I did. I knew if I had another chance to be your Daddy, I would sacrifice everything to take care of you.”


“Yes, Angel. So, we need to figure this out. This time I will fight for us.”


As Harper disinfected the toys in the play area at the end of her workday on Tuesday, she studied the handsome man hard at work putting together another toy bin that she’d never had the time to construct. He’d spent most of the day with her again in her daycare. Colt’s presence in her life felt easy and right.

“How do we do this, Colt?” she asked.

“Being a Little and a Daddy?” he asked, looking up from the directions.

“Yes. And merging it together with our real lives.”

“Being a Little and a Daddy is real life, Harper,” he reminded her.

“I know, but…”

“How do we operate in a world that might not understand?” he probed.

“Exactly!” She smiled at him, happy that he understood. Colt always seemed to get her.

“I have something to show you. Tonight might be the perfect time. It’s still light outside. Will you come with me?”

“Yes. Let’s put that in the storeroom until you can finish it.”

“I’ll put it in the truck bed and finish it at home,” he decided. “It will get in your way tomorrow.”

She wanted to protest that he needed some time off but Harper loved that Colt called her small apartment home. He immediately scooped up all the small parts and tucked them with the directions into the plastic pouch they’d come in. “Open the door for me, Angel, and grab your things,” he directed as he stood and lifted the almost finished project in his arms. In two trips, he had everything loaded in his vehicle.

Soon, they headed to the mystery destination. When they reached the road heading for the old high school make-out spot, Harper laughed. “There are too many lights down there now. Kids have another place to hide from their parents.”

“You better not know where that is,” he said with a glower that made her giggle as he turned off the road onto the dirt.

“This is private property, Colt. I don’t think the new owner would like people driving over his land,” Harper warned, looking around nervously.

“I don’t think they’ll mind us being here. I have permission.”

“Really? Well, I guess it’s okay then.”

Harper sat quietly until Colt parked and came around to open her door. When he helped her out, she walked to the very spot she’d envisioned for her beautiful daycare. “When this land came for sale, I asked if I could buy this small section. The sellers wouldn’t divide the property. It would have been an ideal spot to build a new business.”

She looked again at the prime location on the main road that connected Avondale to the next bigger town. So many people drove this road to get to their jobs there. She shrugged, knowing the cost for only a small section would have been too much.

Harper turned to see Colt watching her. “Sorry. Just lost in coulda, shoulda, wouldas. Why did you bring me out here? What did you want to show me?”

“Would you like to ask the new owner if he’d sell you a small section for your business?” he asked.

“I don’t even know who that is, Colt,” she answered hopelessly, wondering why he was asking.


“You? You bought this land?” Harper looked at him in shock.

“I needed a place to build a complex for the band to record here. This seemed like the perfect spot. I didn’t know until after the sale was complete that you had inquired about buying the front section. I’ve had an architect designing plans for us.”