When his next thrust ended with a sexy twist of his hips, grinding the root of his cock against her clit, Harper’s breath caught in her throat. “There. I need more there,” she begged.
Repeating that stroke, he drove the sensations higher and higher inside her. They seemed much more overwhelming because he was there—over her and filling her. The intimacy of her actions with this man etched itself onto her heart. Seconds later, she exploded around him, clenching tightly around the thickness inside her.
Colt froze, buried deep. “Damn, Angel. You feel so good around me.” He rotated his hips against her to extend her bliss as he captured her lips in hot kisses.
Harper blinked her eyes open to see him watching her. She tugged her hands free from his hold. “I need to touch you.”
“Angel,” he replied without answering her implicit request for permission. When he kissed her hard, she went for it, allowing her hands to roam. She squeezed her intimate muscles to distract him from any argument.
“Come one more time with me.”
Harper nodded even while doubting she was capable of climaxing again. As he moved, she explored his muscular body, loving the slickness gathering on his skin. Tasting him with a lap of her tongue on his shoulder, Harper reveled at her power when he groaned low in his throat. When his thrusts increased, she felt him slide a hand between their bodies to caress her intimately. The brush of his fingers across her clit sent her skyrocketing toward delight.
“Harper!” he shouted into the room in a deep, guttural voice that appealed to her on a primal level. Colt pinched that small bud above her entrance and Harper tightened her hands on his body as she exploded around him.
When their bodies calmed, Colt rolled onto his side. He took care of the condom quickly before wrapping an arm around her to shift her to lie against his chest. His hands stroked up and down her spine as he pressed frequent kisses to her temple.
Sated and happy, Angel was almost asleep when she mumbled, “How many condoms are in that pack?”
“Not enough. We’ll get more, Angel. Now, sleep.”
Satisfied by that answer, she tumbled into dreams. Like always, the knight in shining armor that came to sweep her off her feet had dark hair, a lush beard, and a body that rocked.
Monday morning, Harper dragged herself out of bed at the ridiculously early time she did every workday. She tried to move without disturbing Colt’s sleep, but he roused the minute she stood up.
“Go shower, Angel. I’ll make us some breakfast.” His voice, deep with sleep, sounded so sexy she had trouble concentrating on what he’d said.
“Shower, Little girl,” he reminded her when she didn’t move.
Harper scurried from the room to turn on the shower and let the water warm as she used the toilet. She could hear Colt rustling with the bedcovers and knew he was making the bed. It felt fantastic to have him there. Stepping into the shower, Harper felt tender from their lovemaking. A smile spread across her lips as she replayed Colt’s expert lovemaking. She would have never guessed it was his first time as well.
He wouldn’t have told me that to make me believe he hadn’t had sex before, would he?
“Hurry up, Angel. I want you to have time to eat something,” Colt said, running his hand over the shower curtain.
“Oh! Sorry. Lost in my thoughts.”
Peeking out of the shower curtain, she saw Colt standing at the toilet. “Oh! Sorry!” she apologized, flicking the barrier closed again as her face heated. She didn’t mean to peep at him peeing. Harper had seen a lot of little boys using the toilet. Colt doing the same thing was totally different.
“You’ve said, ‘Oh, sorry,’ too many times, Angel. I think you might be distracted today.”
“I wonder why?” she called through the curtain and popped her hand over her mouth at her sassiness.
“Several orgasms seem to have made you spunky, Little girl. Be careful you don’t cross the line to disrespectful. Your bottom won’t appreciate that,” Colt warned.
Eek! “Yes, Daddy.”
“Two minutes.”
Quickly, Harper cleaned the remnants of their lovemaking from her body. Jumping out, she found Colt waiting with a towel. He gently dried her skin with soft strokes of the terrycloth. When she gasped softly as he dried between her legs, Colt kissed her lightly.
“I’m sorry you’re sore. A soak in the tub tonight will make you feel better.”
“I don’t mind it. It… It makes me remember making love with you,” Harper admitted.
Colt hugged her tightly against his body and held her for several long minutes. “I love you, Little girl. I always have.”
“I love you, too. I wish I could call in sick today.”
“You love your kiddos at daycare. I’m not going away. We’ll have plenty of time to spend together. I thought I’d hang out with you today.”