
“Really. As much as I adore you wrapped only in a towel, I don’t want all the parents to see you like this. I’ve laid out some clothes for you on the bed. Let’s get you dressed.”

Her mind, whirling at the thought of him going through all her clothes to find something for her to wear, made her embarrassed. He would have seen her raggedy grandma panties and her sizes. Harper allowed him to guide her back to the bed where a T-shirt, jeans, bra, panties, and socks waited for her. Thank goodness he chose things from her closet that fit. She would have hated to explain why she had jeans two sizes smaller and larger.

Picking up the panties, she held the garment out to step into them. His hand closed over hers. “Daddy’s job, Angel.”

“I need to wear all blue today, Daddy. Could I get a different color shirt?”

“Of course. You choose your favorite and bring it back here.”

When she turned with her selection in hand from the closet, Colt had stripped off his gray T-shirt and was pulling on a blue one as well. The muscular grooves of his torso made her fingers itch to trace them. When he caught her staring, Colt beckoned her close.

“Come here, big eyes. Let’s get clothes on you.” With a few kisses and caresses, Colt dressed her. No one ever cared for Harper. It was always her tending others. She thought she’d feel awkward, but Colt made everything feel right.

“What do you usually eat for breakfast, Little girl?”

“Sunflower butter toast. I eat as I drive.”

“That’s not safe,” he commented with narrowed eyes.

“I’d have to get up earlier to sit and eat,” she protested, looking at the clock. She had just enough time to slather some of the thick mixture on a piece of untoasted bread before she’d need to leave. Harper scooted around Colt to dash to the pantry.

Quickly, she made her breakfast as he watched before opening the fridge for her usual brown bag of snacks. “Crap. I forgot to pack my lunch last night.” She grabbed a bottle of water before shutting the door with a definite push.

“I’ll take care of it and bring you something.” Colt picked up his keys and headed for the door, herding her in front of him. “I’ll drive you so you can eat.”

“You don’t have to do this,” she protested.

“Yes, I do.”

A few seconds later, Harper offered him her topped bread. “Want a taste?”

“Thank you, Angel. That’s so sweet. I’ll grab something after I let you out to open the daycare.”

“Are you going to get fast food? Could I have a large iced coffee?”

“No. I will get you some milk.”

“I have that at the daycare,” she groused.

“Perfect. Depending on caffeine to fuel your day is not good for your health. I’ll need to put you in bed early to make sure you have enough sleep.”

“R-Really?” she asked, pulling the word out suggestively.

“Don’t worry. I won’t forget to budget time to make you squirm. Did you sleep well last night after your bedtime story?”

“I didn’t read anything last night.”

“No, Daddy told you a bedtime story,” Colt jogged her memory.

“Oh! You mean…”

“Exactly what I mean. It was a particularly tasty story,” he suggested.


Thank goodness it was still dark. Her face flamed with embarrassment as the image of him feasting on her leapt into her head. She popped the last of the bread into her mouth and chewed furiously.

Colt laid a hand over her thigh and squeezed. “I enjoyed all our play last night and plan to exhaust you with pleasure for the rest of time. We’ve lost too many years together. Now that I’ve got you, I plan to savor every inch of you. I hope I pleased you?”

She nodded without hesitation and breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the daycare in front of her. Colt pulled into the parking lot and took her designated spot at the end of the parking lot. When she put her hand on the door to open it, he tightened his hold on her leg. She relaxed against the seat back.

Colt slid from the truck and rounded the hood to open her door and lift Harper down to her feet. He kissed her softly before stepping back from the door to let her run up to the entrance. When she peeked over her shoulder, Colt stood leaning against the truck, waiting to see that she got inside safely.

Damn, he looks good.

Harper waved and dashed inside. Within minutes, parents toting sleepy children arrived. She always loved seeing which ones were morning people. Even at a young age, it was very obvious who had instant energy when they woke up and who would want to play late into the evening. With half playing together and half falling back to sleep in the cribs, Harper kept to her regular schedule. Kids always did better with a dependable routine.