“I definitely had everyone’s attention for that lesson.”

“I swore never to lie from that point on,” she told him.

“You were always a delightful student—worried about others’ feelings and very compassionate. I don’t think lying was your style even then,” he complimented her.

Their brief window of being able to talk was over as the children, tired of sitting in the reading spot, demanded Harper’s attention. She picked up a hungry toddler and bounced him on her hip.

“This is yours now,” Mr. Chamberlain said, handing her the book that had enchanted everyone. “Call me again. And tell those friends of yours I’d love to see them sometime.”

“I’ll tell them. Thank you.” She waved the book at him as she held it away from the child’s reaching hands. Harper would place this book in her reserved section that only she could access.

She watched the door close behind the kind man before getting mid-morning snacks for everyone. What an impact he’d had on her life. Harper scanned the happy faces sitting at the table together, eating a nutritious treat, and suddenly felt great. Wrapping her arms around herself, she realized that her goal was always to be a Mr. Chamberlain—just in her own way.

Happier with herself than she’d been for a long time, Harper quickly tidied up the play space while she kept an eye on the snackers. She didn’t realize that she was singing until Cinderella’s warbled voice joined her. The other toddlers joined in with a babble of words. Where else could she sing spontaneously and have background singers pitch in?

This job rocks.

During naptime, Harper contacted several friends in the daycare business. She’d need some time off on Friday before the reunion social gathering at Murphy’s. To her delight, one of her friends had a daughter in town who would be glad to come cover the last two hours on Friday. Rose could also come the Friday before to hang out in the afternoon and meet the children and their parents as a practice run with Harper there. Rose had just returned to Avondale and enjoyed working at a daycare.

With that easily figured out, Harper breathed a sigh of relief. She would stress to the parents that they needed to pick up their kiddos on time, so Rose could close the center on time. Crossing her fingers, she hoped everything would keep working out so well.

Detailing the change in routine in her weekly email to the parents, she stressed the credentials of the substitute caregiver for the last few hours on that Friday. Some parents would decide to pick their child up early. Others would trust her judgment in selecting an appropriate substitute.

A change in routine is tough for everyone.

Moving quietly around the room, Harper cleaned and straightened. Her precious charges touched every surface and each other. Harper did her best to tackle the germs before they could spread between the children. She’d been sick over and over for the first year but had gained a super resistance to illnesses through the constant exposure.

Thank goodness, because she was awful when she was sick. Oh, she could force herself to go to work because only an emergency could make Harper close the daycare. She’d learned to work with a headache and other aches and pains. A mask adorned with a smile controlled any cough and cold germs as much as possible. But inside, she just wanted to curl up in a warm bed and have someone take care of her.

Frowning at that thought, Harper realized she had been alone for so long. Over the years, she’d dated a few men but never seriously. When Colt left, he took her heart with him.

Shrugging her shoulders to push off negative thoughts and coulda, shoulda, wouldas, Harper finished her cleaning before sitting down for a short break. There was a new book she couldn’t wait to read. The main character promised to be a stern Daddy dom.

Just the way I like them.


Harper tugged her dress into place after getting out of her car. Her older sedan looked conspicuous in the parking lot filled with the latest models of sports cars and SUVs with out-of-state license plates.

There are locals here, too, she reminded herself, noting cars she saw here every time she visited the pub. It’s not just my classmates showing how well their lives are going.

Running a daycare wasn’t the ticket to making a million dollars in twenty years—or in any number of years. She loved her work and wondered if everyone else could say that.

Feeling better about her life choices, Harper slung her purse over her shoulder and noticed a familiar redhead pulling into a space nearby. Amber hadn’t seen her. As Harper approached, she could see her friend obviously concentrating on something.

Oh, no! She was not bailing.

Harper crossed the asphalt to knock on her window and smiled when Amber jumped in surprise. Her smile morphed into a laugh as her friend threw open the car door and jumped out to hug her.