“It must be exciting to date him,” Patsy said.

“We’re not really dating,” Harper rushed to correct her.

“You’re dating. No man buys all this for someone they don’t care about deeply. No matter how much money they have. I’d offer to help you carry things out but I’m the only one here right now,” Patsy apologized.

“I can carry it. I’m stronger than I look. Thank you for your help, Patsy. I love these dresses.”

“Come back and shop again. We have some cute casual clothes as well. I’m here Saturday through Tuesday during the day.”

“I’ll be back.”

Harper arranged the packages in her arms and headed for the door. Passing all the stores that hadn’t carried clothes for her, she felt like a proverbial princess. Colt shouldn’t have done this but she’d dress up for him. He might not even notice.

“He’ll notice,” ricocheted through her mind. Colt had always looked at her like a tasty treat he’d love to devour.

Maybe I should let him and pretend I don’t know that heartache will follow when he moves on.

Harper pushed that thought out of her mind as she set the parcels in her trunk. Even Cinderella took a risk for one night and it worked out for her.

But Cinderella only had ugly stepsisters. I have Miranda.

To her surprise, that thought didn’t have any power. Harper really didn’t care what Miranda thought right now. She’d bask in her time with Colt and deal with the repercussions later.


“Thank you so much for coming to read, Mr. Chamberlain,” Harper said on Monday afternoon when her all-time favorite teacher filled in as the guest for story time when the parent who had signed up for that day didn’t arrive.

Of course Miranda hadn’t troubled herself to come.

“Anytime, Harper. I’m so glad to see you and meet the kiddos lucky enough to be in your care. I brought my favorite book, if that’s okay?”

“Of course. They’ll enjoy something new.”

Harper turned to the children who gathered behind her to see who the visitor was. “Story time!” she announced and herded everyone to the story nook.

It always took a few minutes to settle all the wiggling bodies into a good spot. Mr. Chamberlain sat down in the chair in the middle and talked to the children, helping Harper lure them in for a quiet pause to their play. She smiled at him as he carefully retied one toddler’s shoe and chatted knowingly about the cartoon character on the boy’s T-shirt. The retired teacher certainly had a way with children.

She retrieved a fussing baby from a crib to feed her a bottle as Mr. Chamberlain read the enchanting story of a bunch of kids on a wild adventure. Harper found herself as captivated by the story as the youngsters sitting on the floor at his feet. She enjoyed having a book read to her as much as the toddlers did, especially when read by someone as dynamic and fun as her former teacher.

When it was over, he answered a wide variety of questions from the toddlers. There were even some about the book, confirming that they’d paid as much attention to the story as Harper had.

“That was fun. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Thank you so much for coming. I’m sorry for the last-minute request,” Harper told him.

“My pleasure. Call anytime. If I’m not substituting, I’m glad to come. This place makes me happy. It’s filled with positivity and love,” Mr. Chamberlain said with a fond smile.

“What a compliment. That’s exactly how I want it to feel.”

“You’re doing a great job here, Harper.” He paused before continuing a bit more quietly. “Are you taking care of yourself as well as you’re tending these youngsters?”

“Of course. I love my work.”

His eyes narrowed and seemed to look inside her. “Are you happy outside of work, Harper? That’s important, too. I worried about you when all your friends left for college and didn’t return. Do you still talk to them?”

“Of course. We’ve been bonded since your class. We video chat together at least once a month and we text back and forth,” Harper rushed to assure him. “They’re still my best friends.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Is everyone doing well?”

“Maisie’s doing some kind of research that I don’t understand, but I’m sure it will advance medical treatment.”

“You were all destined for great things. Don’t discount your contribution. These children will enter school happy and well prepared to succeed at whatever they wish to do. I don’t know the background of all the kiddos you watch over, but based on the odds, this is the only place they feel truly safe. That’s all thanks to you.”

“That’s very nice of you to say, Mr. Chamberlain…”

“I’m a nice guy, but I hope you know I never lie without a purpose,” he said meaningfully.

“Oh, I remember that discussion we had in class. How did you ever come up with telling us they were replacing you with another teacher? We were so angry,” Harper remembered.