“Amber, I’ve missed you so much!” Harper squeezed her friend super tight.
“We’ve been talking all the time online,” Amber reminded her.
When Amber didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get inside, Harper asked, “Have you talked to your folks recently?”
Making the decision not to share the big surprise waiting for her friend inside, Harper was relieved when Amber changed the conversation back to the reunion. That relief turned to self-consciousness as Amber scanned her appearance before looking down at what she was wearing.
“Do you think I look okay? I figured rumpled jeans are a fashion statement, but you look amazing. Did I miss dress-up requirements in the schedule of events? I know, I’ll put on my vamp shoes. They’re in the back,” Amber decided.
“You look gorgeous in everything,” Harper assured her, following Amber to the trunk.
As she watched Amber fancy up her outfit, Harper’s inner worrywart fretted. Should she tell her or not? Finally, words burst from her mouth. “There’s something you should know before you go inside. Want to call your folks and tell them you’re here?”
Instantly, Amber looked at her with a laser glance. “You tell me.”
Harper didn’t want to be an uncooperative patient under Amber’s care. That tone meant business.
Squaring her shoulders, Harper decided Amber needed to see this for herself. She nodded and answered, “Well… Let’s go inside and get that daiquiri first.”
“What in the world is going on? Are you okay?” Amber asked, immediately suspecting the worst. When Harper nodded, she followed with, “Is everyone else okay?”
Wrapping an arm around Amber’s waist, Harper hugged her close and assured her that everyone was fine. While Amber processed her words, Harper steered her friend into Murphy’s.
They scanned the room and saw a crowd on one side of the bar. Harper couldn’t stop the giggles from tumbling from her lips when Amber whispered about how old people looked. She’d seen many of these people around town over the years and watched them age gradually.
“Feeling like that fairytale character who sleeps for a hundred years?” Harper asked.
“Wow! I hope everyone has a nametag. I don’t recognize anyone. They all got old,” Amber whispered to Harper as she looked around.
Harper knew the minute she saw the magnetic man behind the bar. She shifted away to watch. Pure magic.
For years, Rio had played a major role in Amber’s life. It first began as an older brother-type who had always treated Amber as an adult rather than a preteen cheerleader. Harper had watched her friend’s interest shift to having a crush on him to something so much stronger. When Rio disappeared, Harper had supported Amber to help her through her despair.
When Rio had shown up as the new owner of the bar, Harper had given him not a piece, but a chunk of her mind. She’d also listened to his answers and understood she wasn’t part of this. She’d support her friend in whatever path Amber chose to follow. Secretly, Harper hoped for a magical happily ever after.
She liked Rio and understood why he’d left. Now, would Amber? Harper watched him vault over the bar and stalk forward to run his hands over Amber’s shoulders and down her arms, as if he couldn’t keep himself from touching her. The look on their faces was magical. It made her believe fairytales could come true.
When Rio walked back to the bar, Harper watched Amber shake her head as if trying to regain her footing after seeing the man she’d felt so much for after twenty years. Harper resumed her position next to Amber.
“What is going on?” Amber demanded.
“This is between you and Rio. Come on. Let’s get our nametags. You can protect me from Miranda,” Harper suggested as she led the way.
Miranda was in fine form, complaining about Harper having a substitute and refusing to be open on Saturday so Miranda would have the day and evening free for the reunion. When Miranda complained about the germs in the daycare making her daughter sick and added a thinly veiled threat to report Harper’s daycare business to the city inspectors, Harper quickly stood up for herself, feeling Amber bristle next to her.
“There are regulations for all daycares, Miranda. The inspectors visit regularly. Perhaps you would prefer another daycare option. I'll miss Cinderella, but completely understand.”
“If you weren’t the cheapest place in town, I’d move her,” Miranda snapped and Harper knew that the unpleasant woman had forgotten they had an audience. Thankfully this time, children weren’t within listening distance.
Before she could answer, Amber locked gazes with the bully and commented, “Wow.”
“Let’s just get our nametags, Amber. It’s okay,” Harper assured her, seeing realization dawn in Miranda’s eyes that others could hear the conversation. Talking to Miranda in private was always a negative experience.
Finding her badge, Harper slapped it onto her dress and watched Amber lean over the others. As her friend lifted hers from the table, Amber met Miranda’s gaze directly and touched two spots on her hairline.