Page 38 of The Baby Contract

My heart is so full it could burst. "I've gotta get you a ring," I say. "I've got some money stashed away, you can pick out whatever your heart desires--"

"I think you're forgetting something," she says meaningfully.

I watch her as she walks over to a file cabinet in the corner, then pulls out a manila folder. I know what's inside--the contract we signed months ago when we started trying, before I realized she was the love of my life. It details how the baby is hers, not mine.

She puts it on the counter and opens it up.

"If all parties are amenable, I would like to declare this contract null and void," she says.

I stare at her. "No...Claire, you don't have to do this. I want you to feel safe."

"I've never felt safer than I do with you," she says. "I know you're a good man. And don't worry...I'll draw up more contracts to keep us all safe. It's kind of what I do."

She opens up her laptop and again starts to type a termination letter, including all the details of our contract. "All we have to do is write this up and sign on the dotted line," she says. "Just like before."

"What if you change your mind?" I ask.

She smiles. "I won't."

Chapter twenty


IknowGraysaidhe couldn't find his family, but I amverygood at research...and I know how to find someone.

As soon as I heard Gray's heartbreaking story, I knew I had to do something to help him. He's been searching for his family for years, but to no avail. Even if he had found them, I don’t know that he would’ve reached out.

But he kept hitting dead end after dead end, and I can’t help but think that he think that as a sign. However, I'm not one to give up easily, and I'm determined to put my research skills to good use.

I start by going through all the information Gray has on his family. He gives me their last known address, the names of his parents and siblings, and even a few old family photos he had from his prison days. I spend hours pouring over public records, searching social media, and even calling the city council in his hometown in Texas.

I keep searching as we plan our wedding--and as my belly gets bigger. Days turn into weeks, and just when I'm about to give up, I stumble upon a lead.

I find a phone number for a woman who lived in the same city as Gray's family, and her last name matches his mother's maiden name--Cooper.

My heart races as I dial the number, hoping beyond hope that this is it.

To my surprise, a woman answers the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi," I say, suddenly nervous. "I'm looking for Teresa Cooper?"

She clears her throat, and I can hear the southern twang of her accent with just one word. "You've got her."

How do you tell a stranger that you're about to marry the son she hasn't seen in a decade? That you're having her grandchild? I hold my breath for so long that she speaks again.

"You still there?"

"Yeah," I say. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm calling on behalf of someone who's been searching for his family for a long time. His name is Grayson Hart, and he's been trying to find his mother and siblings."

There's a long pause on the other end of the line before she speaks again. "Gray? That's my boy's name."

I can't believe it. "Yes, that's him. He's been looking for you."

Teresa's voice cracks as she speaks. "Oh, my Lord. I can't believe it. Is he okay? Is he safe?"

"He's safe," I reassure her, "and he's doing well. He's...he's actually about to become a father."

There's a silence again.