Page 39 of The Baby Contract

Then I hear a sniffle, and I realize she's crying.

"I'd love to see him," she finally says. "I've been praying for him every day since...since he left."

I can hear the emotion in her voice, and my heart aches for her. "Well, that's actually what I'm calling about," I say. "We're, um...we're getting married, and I think he would love for you all to come."

I hear a young woman's voice calling out and then a shuffle, Teresa's voice muffled on the other end.

"I'm on the phone!"

A silence

"You'll never believe it, Sadie--it's about Gray! He's gettin' married to this lovely young woman on the phone!"

I laugh softly to myself, in disbelief that I managed to find them in time. The wedding is in two weeks, and we were starting to lose hope that we would track them down.

I can't wait to tell him.

"What's your name, darlin'?" Teresa says, coming back to the phone.

"Claire," I say. "Claire Sawyer. I'm so excited to meet you all."

The phone goes muffled again."Her name is Claire!"

I cover my mouth and laugh as Teresa gets back on the phone. "Sorry, sweetheart, we're a little excited. Where are y'all at? I've gotta let the kids know when and where Gray there right now?"

"He's at work right now," I say. I find myself a little frustrated that he just happens to be downtown today, working on a new project. "But I've got your number and I promise I'll have him call you as soon as he gets home. The wedding is up here in Oregon, I can absolutely fly you up--"

"Not to worry, I'm already booking tickets for me and Gray's sister," she says. My heart twists--this must be Sadie, the girl Gray went to jail trying to help. She would be...what, twenty-eight now? "And...booked. Now onto the car..."

I listen as she organizes their whole trip, chatting with her for upwards of an hour. Sadie even hops on the phone for a long-distance meeting, sounding happy and bright.

As I hang up the phone, I can hardly believe what just happened. I found Gray's family. After all this time, he'll finally be able to see his mother and sister again, and maybe his brothers too. And the fact that they're coming to our wedding--it's just too perfect.

I can't wait to tell Gray the good news.

When he gets home later that evening, I greet him with a kiss and a smile. "I have some amazing news," I say, taking his hand and leading him to the couch.

"What is it?" he asks, looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

"I found your family," I say, grinning from ear to ear.

Gray's eyes widen in shock. "What? How? Are they okay?"

"They're great," I say. "I called your mom earlier today, and she's over the moon. She and your sister are coming to our wedding."

Gray looks like he's about to cry, and I get up to wrap my arms around him. Just like that, my big, strong fiancé, the father of my child, actually opens up and cries...and I cry with him.

I can't help but feel grateful for the power of the internet and my own determination to find them. It might have taken years, but we're finally going to reunite a family.

Just in time to start our own.

Chapter twenty-one


Ican'tkeepmyfeet still as I sit on the porch swing with Claire, waiting for my mom and sister to drive up. They're coming early for the wedding, a few days prior so we can catch up...and my nerves are going haywire.

We're just having a tiny little ceremony with my crew and a few friends from town, along with some of Claire's friends from Portland. The wedding isn't what's making me nervous.