Page 22 of The Baby Contract

And I fall more in love.

We continue to make small talk during dinner, Luna occasionally snuffling at our feet or nudging us for attention. It's a simple and comfortable evening, and I feel my guard slowly lowering with each passing minute.

I should tell her about my past.

It's the first time I've thought about it since I've met her. I haven't told anyone who I am--whatI am--not even Dave, even though he was the closest thing I had to a friend. But with Claire, I want to tell her everything.

With the contract, though...I worry it would be too much.

I don't want to scare her, not when she's trying to get pregnant.

I'll tell her later.

I promise myself that.

After we finish eating, Claire clears the plates and I help her clean up. Luna follows us to the kitchen, her tail wagging eagerly.

"I have to say," Claire says, drying off a plate, "I never thought I was a dog person until I met Luna."

I gape at her. "Seriously? You're a natural. She warmed up to you right away."

Claire shakes her head. "I don't know. We never had one growing up, and then Harvey said it was too expensive, they're dirty...but I always wanted one anyway. We would go to the farmer's market and see the rescue dogs, and there was always a puppy I wanted to take home or some old mutt that needed saving."

"The more you tell me about this guy, the more I understand that he didn't deserve you," I tell her.

Claire's eyes meet mine, and I see a flicker of emotion in them. "Thanks," she says softly, then clears her throat. "But let's not talk about him. I don't want him to ruin our night."

I nod, understanding. "Agreed."

We finish cleaning up and then settle on the couch, Luna snuggled up between us. Claire turns on a movie, and we watch in comfortable silence as the credits roll. Eventually, Luna crawls into Claire's lap and I move closer, my arm around Claire, feeling like life couldn't get more perfect.

When the credits roll, I look over at her. She's sitting blissfully stroking Luna's back, but she meets my gaze as I swallow hard.

I pat Luna. "Hey, Luna," I say. "Go to your bed."

She picks her head up and looks at me.

"Go to bed," I repeat with a laugh.

She goes to the dog bed I brought in with me right away. It leaves me and Claire alone on the couch, and I run my fingers over her jaw before tilting her head up to mine.

"I'm contractually obligated to fuck you tonight," I murmur. "Just wanted to remind you."

She smiles up at me, her touch light as her hand settles on my knee.

"How could I forget?"

Chapter twelve


Ifthere'sonethingI know how to do, it's make a baby.

As a former law student, I'm a meticulous researcher--and when Harvey and I started trying, I didallthe research. I read every book, I watched every tutorial, subscribed to every blog. I learned exactly which multivitamins to take, which positions to use, how to make sure sperm made it all the way to the egg.

So I know exactly what I want when Gray tells me it's time to get to business.

I guide him up to the bedroom, my heartbeat quickening as he follows me. I prepared ahead of time tonight, wearing my sexiest set of white lingerie under the blue dress I put on for dinner. I shed the dress as soon as we get into the master bedroom, the smell of paint still crisp on the air, a window open to let in the cool night breeze. Gray watches, biting his lip and rubbing his jaw as I let the dress fall to the floor.