Page 21 of The Baby Contract

Luna woofs softly in response.

Claire's almost to the door, wearing a light blue dress that sways when she walks, her curls tumbling over her shoulders. She's so gorgeous I can't stand it.

I step out of the car, my anxiety rising that they might not like each other. Sure, Luna is only a dog, but she's really my best friend, and I'll be heartbroken if Claire doesn't like her.

"Hi," Claire says softly, standing on her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek. "Dinner's ready."

How am I supposed to focus on dinner when all I want is her?

"Thanks, darlin'," I say. "But first, I wanted to introduce you to someone."

Claire's brow furrows. "You brought someone with you?"

I grin. "Uh...yeah."

I go over to the passenger side and open the door, and Luna comes hopping right out. Claire gasps and covers her mouth, then kneels as Luna ducks her head and trots over, wagging her tail. Claire immediately starts scratching Luna's head, the dog licking her face--and Claire doesn't seem to mind at all.

"Oh my God!" she says. "Why didn't you tell me you have a dog?"

"I mean...I've been a little distracted," I say with a sheepish smile, shoving my hands in my pockets. "And not everyone likes her. They think pitties are dangerous, aggressive...but she's not any of those things."

"No, I love her," Claire says. "What's her name?"

"Luna," I say. "Also known as Bacon, because she's such a ham. Also known as the bestest girl...because she's the best."

Claire turns her attention back to Luna. "That's right! You're the best girl, aren't you? Aren't you?"

Luna melts, slumping to the ground and rolling over on her back. She wags her tail as Claire rubs her belly, and I watch the two of them together, thinking I could be happy with a life like this.

And for the first time, I wonder what I'm gonna do if I lose her.

If I fuck things up with I always have before.

I shake the thought out of my head, determined not to let my past mistakes ruin this moment. Instead, I focus on Claire and Luna, happy to see them getting along so well.

"You two make quite the pair," I say, grinning.

Claire looks up at me and smiles, her eyes bright. "I love her, she's so sweet."

"And she's protective," I say, nodding at Luna. "She'll keep you safe."

"I think I feel safer already," Claire says, standing up and brushing off her dress. "So, are you ready for dinner?"

"Yeah," I say, "and I brought some kibble too, since I figured Luna and I might stay the night if I want to get the job done."

Claire laughs, biting her lip.

"Yeah," she says. "Come on inside."

As we sit down at the dinner table, Luna curls up at my feet, contentedly chewing on her kibble. Claire has prepared a roast chicken with a side of potatoes and green beans, and I can't help but feel grateful for her hospitality. She's also a great cook--one more point in theperfect womancolumn.

"This is delicious," I tell her.

She shrugs. "I got really into cooking during the pandemic. Mostly for myself. Learned how to make all kinds of things...but I especially love baking."

I chew thoughtfully. "What's your favorite dish?"

"It's silly," she says, "but...biscuits and gravy. Big helpings." She kisses her fingers.