Page 69 of WTF

“He’d have to find that thing first!” Jamie yelled.

“Good one, bro.” Ryan congratulated him.

Jamie tapped his chest, then pointed at Ryan. “Save my best ones in reserve just for you, bro.”

I couldn’t help it. A laugh bubbled out of me. These guys were completely insane. Ducking my head, I noticed Win. Okay, when did Inotnotice him?

He was looking at me, and I couldn’t deny the pull he continued to have on me. It was like the more I tried to stay away, the more I yearned to be beside him.

He half smiled at me, eyes sparkling with laughter. For one second, I allowed myself to smile back, to fall into his bright eyes and relish in the fact that it was still there. Our connection.

“What the hell is going on out here?” Coach’s booming voice made everyone jump.

“Nothing to see here, Coach,” Kruger said, trying to take up as much space in the doorway as possible.

“Then why the hell did the ladies in the office across the lot there just call and tell me you turds were flashing the campus?”

“Who goes into work this early in the morning?” Jamie wondered.

Coach’s nostrils flared. “Move out of the way. Who’s out there?”

“Incoming!” Kruger yelled just before Coach pulled him out of the way.

A strangled sound ripped out of Coach. “Jason Rush, put your pecker back in your pants and get your ass in here!” he roared.

Then, you guessed it, he blasted us all with a solo with his whistle.

Prism put his AirPods in. Everyone else covered their ears while Rush speed-dressed and then came back to the building.

Coach dropped the whistle, his chest heaving from the effort it took to blow it so long. Jamie opened his mouth to say something, but Coach speared him with a glare, and he closed his mouth.

Soon as Rush was within reaching distance, Coach smacked him in the back of the head. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Rush?”

“Left my clothes in the car, Coach.”

Coach Resch’s face pinched. “You think this is funny?” he yelled. “You about gave Diane Wilhelm a heart attack when she looked out her window.”

“Not everyone can handle all this, Coach.”

Everyone snickered.

Coach grabbed Rush’s ear and dragged him into the pool area.

“I want an explanation and I want one right now, or you’re all benched for this weekend’s meet!”

That shut everyone up.

“It was me.” Ryan spoke up.

I glanced at him, surprised.

Coach released the death grip he had on Rush’s ear and turned to Ryan. “Walsh, I expect better from you.”

“It was just a little initiation,” Ryan explained. “No harm, no foul.”

“Tell that to Ms. Wilhelm!”

“Now, Coach, you know she liked the view,” Kruger put in.