Page 70 of WTF

“You think that’s funny?” Coach spun on my fellow backstroke swimmer. “Your ass is on the bleachers this weekend!”

Shock filled his face. “But, Coach!”

“I don’t want to hear it. That woman has a bad heart.”

Jamie rolled his lips inward as a few other guys turned away, trying to conceal their veiled laughter.

“Don’t punish the team,” Ryan said. “You want to bench someone, bench me. I’m the one who took his clothes. I’m the one who threw them on top of his car. I’ll even go apologize to Ms. Wilhelm.”

“You’re damn right you will,” Coach grumbled. “Unbelievable.”

“We were just trying to welcome the new guy.” Jamie tried.

“Next time you want to welcome the new guy, keep your damn clothes on! What if the dean hears about this?”

“Sorry, Coach,” Ryan apologized.

“And you!” Coach spun on Rush. “I told you to keep out of trouble. So the first thing you do is go strutting across the parking lot naked!”

“I don’t back down from a challenge.”

“Yeah? And how’s that working out for you?”

Rush’s jaw locked, and he went quiet.

Coach blew his whistle again. Pretty sure he did it just to punish us. “Get out. All of you. And don’t even think about coming here for a second practice later. Pool’s closed until tomorrow.”

He stomped off toward the locker room, and we all fled into the parking lot. Outside, the frigid wind churned, and I wondered how the hell Rush managed to walk around naked out here.

“Here,” Ryan called, flinging a set of keys at Rush.

Rush snatched them out of the air, tucking them into his pocket.

“Welcome to Elite,” Ryan told him.

Rush started off, but Ryan called out. “Hey.”

Rush stopped and turned around.

“Party this weekend at the old campus gym. A welcome party for our new swimmers.” Ryan glanced at me and smiled. “You in?”

“Sure,” I said, kinda surprised I’d agreed.

Ryan turned back to Rush.

“Yeah, okay,” Rush said.

“Good. Now let’s go. I’m starving,” Jamie complained.

Everyone started to their cars, and I hesitated.

“Lars? You coming?” Wes asked.

“Ah, maybe next time,” I said, avoiding looking in Win’s direction.

Wes frowned. “You sure?”

I nodded.