Page 123 of WTF

He asked for space, Win. You have to give it to him. If you don’t, you’re going to scare him away.

Blowing out a breath, I backed away from the keys. Everything was fine. Lars was fine. I would see him in the morning.

But I definitely would not get sleep tonight.



An entire daywithout seeing Win? Torture.

How far I’d come since first being handed a piece of paper with his name and vowing to get rid of him.

“You coming?” Wes asked from beside the yellow Rubicon, gym bag slung over his sweaty T-shirt.

I hesitated, wanting to jump in and head to Win now. But I was out of clothes and wanted to grab my laundry so I could wash it at their place.

“You go ahead. I’m going to stop by my dorm,” I told him.

“Want me to drive you over? I can wait,” Wes offered.

I wasn’t used to people being so nice, so willing to go out of their way for someone else. Sometimes it was overwhelming. Sometimes it made me feel bad. Like I didn’t deserve it. Like I shouldn’t accept.

“No,” I told him. “You go on ahead. Shower. See Max.”

Wes smiled a little at the mention of his other half. “You sure?”

I smiled. “Ja,” I agreed in Swedish, shooing him with my hands. “I’ll see you later.”

Wes drove off, and I walked the short distance from the gym to Peregrine Hall, which was basically where all of Elite roomed.

It was already dark out, a clear but cold winter night. Huddling a little farther into my coat, I stepped back as the door to the building swung open and a few guys came out.

“Oh, hey,” Rush said, looking up and seeing me there. The guy he was walking out with—Vargas, I think his name was—slowed his steps too.

“Hey,” I greeted. “Heading out?”

Rush nodded. “Going to grab some food. You wanna join?”

Vargas nodded. “Yeah, come on, Eriksson.”

I shook my head. “No, you guys go ahead. I have some stuff to do.”

“You sure?” Rush asked.


“You actually going to be here when I get back?” Rush teased, smiling slyly. Smacking Vargas on the shoulder, he said, “This boy’s been sleeping elsewhere as of late.”

Vargas whistled under his breath. “Who is she?”

“That would be ahe.” Rush corrected.

I’d told him I was gay right after we were assigned the same room, which was after we met at our first Elite practice. Apparently, Rush had wanted to live off campus, but when Coach found out, he wouldn’t allow it. Rush barely even blinked when I told him my sexuality and never once acted like it was an issue.

But not everyone was like my roommate, so I glanced at Vargas, not really caring what his reaction would be but curious just the same.

Vargas just shrugged. “As long as you’re getting some.”