Page 122 of WTF

I nodded.

I unlocked the phone to pull up the message.

Actually, I might just crash here tonight. I have to finish this paper I have due tomorrow, and I’m pretty worn out from the gym.

I frowned at the text.

“Something wrong?” Max wanted to know.

“No. He’s studying,” I told him.

“You sports med types always have the homework,” Max mused. “I’m going up to see Wes. Let me know if you need anything.”

I barely glanced at him as he left.

You can work on your paper here.

I know, but I need to go to the library for a source. And I’ll probably be up late. You need your beauty rest or I won’t want to look at you.

I scoffed.Please, I’m a delight to your eyes no matter what.


I didn’t know why, but something in my chest tightened, making it hard to breathe.I’ll come to you. Stay in your room tonight.


The refusal was so fast I squinted at the phone. But then another text followed.

You’ll distract me with your dimples and kisses. I have to finish this paper, or Coach will be on my ass.

But I’ll miss you.

I miss you too.

I’m coming. I’ll sit in the corner and not say a word.

No, Win. Please. Just let me get my work done tonight, okay?

Are you sure everything’s okay?

The text bubble appeared then disappeared three times before any words appeared on the screen. The hair on the back of my neck prickled.

Everything’s good, babe, really. Tomorrow, I’ll be all yours.

The urge to fight him on this was intense. I didn’t want to sleep apart from him. I wanted him secure in my arms. He hadn’t slept at his dorm since we’d made things official.You’re being too needy. Too possessive. You’re going to smother him.

He said he liked me that way, but what if experiencing it was too much? What ifIwas too much?

I love you.

I blew out a breath the second I read those three little words, not realizing how much I needed them until he said it.

I love you too, angel. If you need me, call. I don’t care what time it is. I’ll come.

See you tomorrow.

See you,I replied, setting the phone aside. The urge to drive over there left me restless. I even went as far as to the table by the door where I kept my car keys.