Page 71 of Hostile Takeover

Notfucking him outside the strictures of our contract was supposed to be the easiest thing in the world, andyet…all it took was the slightest provocation and I was wide open.



That was the best word to describe the feeling that came over me, really, at the mere thought of an Orion-induced orgasm in my near future.

Like now, I was supposed to be getting ready to leave the house. I had plenty to do today, between personal errands and my regular workandthe board meeting today that would somewhat decideNectar’sfate.

My head was spinning.

And yet, when Orion had left his half-eaten steak breakfast to chase me down before I could get back to my room, I’d givenhimthe attention that needed to be elsewhere.

It was hard not to, when his thick, shirtless body loomed over me, strong pecs and flat onyx nipples contrasting his deep skin, staring me right in the face.

He’d been working out.

I could smell it; not a musty smell, just that salty-sweat smell, mingling with whatever fragrance lingered from his last shower, generating this aroma that made me feel a little… sex-ragey.

I wanted to lick his nipples.

A wild, wild thought, that I didn’t even have to articulate.

The way he smirked told me it was all over my face.

The only reason I didn’t fuck him right there in the hall in front of the door was because Calli was in the house now.

Calli, and Ms. Wallace, and fuckingBreana.

I had no desire to put on a show, so I just joined him in the shower.

A very,veryhot one.

After which I was in a great mood — another annoyance — but one that was more tolerable, at least. My twist out turned out phenomenally, my schedule was falling into place, and after a quick email exchange with Soren, I’d gotten some assurance that the board meeting this afternoon was going to be well in our favor.

All of which should’ve clued me in that something was about to go wrong.

I wasnotexpecting it to be car troubles.

I knew a lot about a lot, and exactlynoneof that knowledge extended to why the hell my paid-off Mercedes with a full tank of gas and a fresh oil change wouldn’t start.


If I was still at my condo, this wouldn’t be a big deal. I could call a car, I could take the metro. Hell, if I was feeling particularly perky, I could evenwalktoNectarfor the day. As it stood now though, Orion had me all the way out in Blackwood Hills. I didn’t even know if a regular-ass car service would be allowed in the gate out here.


I pressed the button to pop the hood, then climbed out of the car to go look at… I had no idea what. It would’ve been great if some particular area was at least smoking orsomethingthat could point me right to the problem.

Except… everything looked “normal”.

With a sigh, I went back to the driver’s side of the car to reach in, fishing my cell phone from my purse. I unlocked it, navigating to the search engine on my web browser to type in,Why Mercedes won’t start.

The millions of results immediately told me I wasn’t getting anywhere withthat.

“Something wrong, Mrs. Sterling?”

The sound of Orion’s voice startled the shit out of me, so much I actually screamed, dropping my phone. I watched, unable to do a thing about it as it fell, with a corner of the screen taking the most impact.