Page 72 of Hostile Takeover

The worst possible fall, especially on the hard epoxy floor of the garage.

Cracks spread all across the screen before it landed, face up like it needed to make sure I saw just how badly it was destroyed.

Along with any last vestiges of the high from my orgasm earlier.

“Damn, I didn’t mean to startle you,” Orion said. I still hadn’t turned, but he stepped around me, bending to pick up my shattered phone and handing it to me. “This is going to have to be replaced.”

“No shit, Sherlock!” was off my lips before I could temper myself, pressing my mouth closed to take a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” I said, even though there was clear amusement on Orion’s face. “This day is going to hell really fast.”

“I can see that.” He nodded. “I heard your car, sounds like a starter issue?”

I shrugged. “I have no clue, and no time to figure it out. Will security let a car service past the gates?”

“Depends on the car service,” he said. “But… there are cars here you can use, Nala.” He chuckled. “Until we get a mechanic out to look at yours. Or we can just give you a ride, give you a chance to get a bit of work done on the way.”

I blew out a sigh. “I think I’ll take the ride. Maybe I can figure out how to get my cell replaced this morning.”

“Not a problem.” He nodded. “Leave your car keys – I’ll get someone to look at it today.”

“Thank you,” I told him, not even grudgingly, Iactuallyappreciated it. “You’re saving me this morning. Guess I’m glad you hadn’t already left.”

“Even if I had.” He shrugged, taking the keys from me to place in a lockbox on the garage wall. “I’m a call away and don’teverhesitate to dial it. You’re my wife.”

“Technically,” I reminded him, earning a scowl.

“Legally.” He approached me again, looming over me in a way that made my breath catch in my throat. “And I believe at this point, our vows are a little too well-consummated for you to still be letting shit like that come out of your mouth.”

“Anybody can have sex.”

“Yes, but hasanybodybut me been in all three holes in your bodyjust this morning?” He smirked.

“Do youhaveto be so crude?”

“Only when you’re pretending you’re not mine through and through.” He chuckled, then gestured at my car. “Grab your stuff. Let’s go.”

I hadn’t noticed Henry before, but he was waiting at the passenger side of Orion’s Range Rover, ready to open the door.

“We’ll ride together in the back,” Orion told him, and he immediately made that shift, opening the door for Orion to be the one helping me inside before climbing in himself.

The ride downtown was uneventful. Orion was busy on his laptop, and I had things to occupy myself too, mainly arranging delivery as soon as possible for a new phone, then tackling my overflowing email inbox.

“Let me know when you need to get home,” Orion said as I was exiting the vehicle. “Even if I’m not available, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”

I nodded. “Thanks again.”

“You don’t have to thank me. You’re—”

“I’m your wife,” I finished for him, rolling my eyes. “Damn, we get it, you’re obsessed.”

The smile he offered behind my words confirmed that he knew I meant them as a lighthearted jab, one he didn’t challenge.

Instead, he just shook his head.

“I’ll see you later.”

I hated how…warmthat interaction left me.

But, it was a much needed shift back to the energy the morning had started with. I was able to get a lot handled in advance of the afternoon board meeting and it only took a couple hours for the new phone delivery to arrive.