Daniel felt like a failure as a father, he had always hoped to have a mother for her before this point, but his life had passed him by, and it was still just the two of them. When Daniel thought about the fact that it had been seven years, he could hardly believe it. He had been so busy raising a child alone, and for so long, he had no interest in anyone new. Candace had been it for him. Daniel felt like Tina should have a mom to talk about this kind of thing with, she wouldn't want to talk to him, and he completely understood that.

"I have a book you can give her," Ashley suggested.

"A book about periods?"

He had no idea such books were even written.

"It's about puberty and sex, all that kind of stuff."

"She's only a child; she doesn't need to know about sex yet."

"She's your daughter, so I don't want to tell you what to do, but it may be easier to talk to her while she's still daddy's girl. Imagine talking to her when she's fifteen."

"Christ," he sighed. "I'll stop by on my way to get her from school and take care of this tonight."

"It's going to be OK, Daniel."

"I don't know what the hell I'm doing, Ashley."


Daniel finished his shorter workday and stopped by Ashley and Harry's place to pick up the book.

"I don't even know about this girl stuff myself," he groaned. "Maybe I need to read this too."

Daniel knew it had something to do with having babies and eggs and things, but he thought he had more time to look into it.

"This conversation is no fun, but she should hear it from you instead of dumb kids at school," Ashley shrugged.

"I thought I had more time," he sighed.

"If you need any help, I'm right here," she insisted.

"Thanks, Ashley. You're one of the good ones," he smiled.

Daniel headed to the school to pick Tina up and parked to flip through the book while waiting. It had anatomically correct drawings, and he felt like a pervert just thinking of giving it to her.

Tina looked the same as always as she came running to the truck and jumped in. She didn't suddenly look like a woman or anything.

"Hey, Dad!"

"Hey, honey! You want pizza tonight?" he asked, hoping to distract her from awkwardness with her favorite food.

"Yay! I'm starving."

"You're always eating, and you never gain a pound," he laughed.

"It's cause I run track."

"Ugh! Running," he groaned.


They were crushed in the living room after stuffing themselves with pizza later that night, and he couldn't stop staring at her. She wasn't his baby girl anymore.

