"Your Auntie Ashley called me today-"

"I told her not to say anything!" she whined, sitting straight up and looking annoyed.

"I know you don't want me to know about this kind of stuff, but I kind of need to know cause it's like . . . a medical thing, right?"

"I didn't want you to know cause it's embarrassing for dads to talk about."

"I don't mind . . . and I need to know cause you need stuff for this when I go shopping."

She winced, and he could tell she was as uncomfortable as he was.


"I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Tina . . . I'm sorry."

"It's OK, Dad."

"It's not OK," he sighed. "I should have found a mother for you by now, I always meant to but . . . I just never found anyone."

"I don't need a mom; I have you."

"I'm supposed to talk to you about this stuff cause they didn't teach you in school but that's cringy for you, right? That's the word you kids use . . . cringy?"

"Dad. Seriously, it's OK."

"Aunt Ashley gave me a book for you to read."

Tina looked sympathetic as he was drowning in awkwardness, and he loved her for that; she knew how hard it was for him.

"I'll read it, and then if I have questions I'll come and ask you, deal?"


"Sure! Some other kids at school got books about this too, and they even have moms so this is fine."

"Do you need ice cream?" he asked.

"Ice cream?"

"Your mother always needed ice cream when she was . . . like that."

"What kind did she like?" she asked.

"Tiger tiger."


"It's black licorice and orange."

"Yuck. I just like chocolate," she laughed.

"Just like me," he smiled. "So, do you want some?"

"Yes, please."

"Let me know when you need Advil too, OK?"

"Thanks, Dad . . . I didn't really have a sore throat."