"I hate to even drag anyone else into this mess . . . and I'm not even sure he actually likes me yet, he might just be really nice. I already feel stupid using this fake name, but I can't let Trent find us."

"I'm just glad you and Ben are away from him and that the prick doesn't know where you live."

"Me too. What a nightmare that was. I'm ready to forget all about it."

"You can now, Sis, and a new man might be just the way to do it."

"I just hope he's not put off by all of this drama in my past when I tell him."

"He's a good man; nobody in town has a bad word to say about him. I've only been here for four years, but everyone likes him. He'll understand when you explain why you did it.

"Like I said, I still don't know where it's going. I'll tell him as soon as I see an opening . . . I just can't have everyone here knowing my name."

"Don't stress yourself out, girl," Octavia insisted. "Just take it one step at a time."

She smiled, maybe Daniel was the guy who could change her luck in the love department, and a man with a child would already know how to be a parent.

"I hope he calls me today."

"Me too, you could do a whole lot worse than Daniel Goffman. Good luck with that."


When she got off the phone, she decided she needed fresh air and to leave the house with her little man.

"You want to go to the park, buddy?" she smiled at Ben.

"Can I get a puppy?"

She sighed, but they did have a fenced backyard now, so she didn't have much of an excuse.

"Let me think about it, and I'll let you know in a couple of days. Deal?"



Saturday morning was spent folding laundry and wondering when he should call Cassandra. Daniel hung up all of Tina's little clothes and vacuumed her bedroom; he always tried to keep her home as lovely as any woman would. She already had to grow up with only a father, so he didn't want her growing up in a pigpen.

He noticed that she had posters of boy singers and actors on the walls of her room now, and he smiled; she was getting older.

By noon the house was clean, so he turned on some of her silly pop music just to feel like she was there and called Harry for some advice.

"How's it going?" he began, but Harry could see right through it.

"Daniel, don't call her today. Never call a woman the next day."

"Is that really true? What happens if you do? Do they just instantly decide that they don't like you?" Daniel argued.

"I don't know; it's just in the men's rule book that you don't do it . . . it might make you look desperate."

"Or interested."

"It's your funeral, man."

"Yeah yeah."

He fought the urge till 2 pm, but then he had to know if the sound of her voice could carry over to the next day. She sounded flirty and friendly, and he hoped she hadn't been experiencing beer goggles and wanted him to call.