The phone rang three times after he dialed, and he sat in Tina's spot in the living room, waiting with his heart in his hands.


"Hey, Cassandra?"

"Yeah. Daniel?"


"You have a distinctive voice," she laughed, and he smiled with relief.

His voice always sounded rough and grave, ever since childhood.

"I do, don't I? So . . . how's your Saturday going?"

"Pretty good. Me and Ben went to Cedar Woods Park to kick the soccer ball around, and now I'm just researching DIY on YouTube," she giggled.

"I'd be happy to come have a look."

"Are you sure? How much would that be?"

"I'm not taking your money."

"You're too nice to be real."


"I mean it . . . when could you come?"

"Anytime. My daughter is away camping with her class this weekend, so I'm losing my mind wandering around the house alone."

"I hated when Ben was gone for the night, but he won't be going anywhere overnight now . . . it's a long story."

"Don't we all have those," he sighed.

"I live in a big old house on Archer Street with a weeping willow out front."

"The old Houston place?" he asked.

"That's the one. So, you could come right now?" she asked sheepishly.

There was something in her voice that he really liked the sound of, a tension that he wanted to know more about.

"I'll be right there."

Daniel wanted to look good, but he also wanted to get some work done for her so that her house didn't burn down. He settled on jeans and a white undershirt with a short-sleeved flannel. He brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and decided as he looked in the mirror that it was as good as possible.

After double-checking again that he still needed a call from Tina's teacher, he got in his truck and headed to her place.


Pulling up in front of her house with his tools on the seat beside him left him just on the verge of trembling like a kid. This woman was so gorgeous she made his brain turn to mush.

He carried his things to the front door and knocked, but the door was answered by a small boy instead of Cassandra.

"You must be the man of the house. Is your mother home?"

"Yes. Mommy!"