"We have that in common," she said softly.

Daniel was ready to sign on the dotted line already. He knew it was irrational, but it felt good to want someone again, and he was very interested in her.

They chatted more, and he showed her how to do a few trick shots before the evening ended. Leaning over her from behind as he showed her how to hold the cue was virtually foreplay for a man in his position. Her long hair smelled like flowers as she pulled it around the other side of her neck to line up a shot, and he almost died right there.

"I did it!" she squealed as she sank the ball she'd been aiming at, and he loved the way she laughed.

He was at the mercy of her round hips, long blonde flower-scented hair, and beautiful smile in less than an hour, and it was exciting.

Cassandra gave him her phone number, and he folded it carefully to place it in his wallet.

"It was really nice to talk to you, Cassandra."

"Same here, Daniel, really nice. Call me," she smiled as she leaned in to hug him.


Daniel waited for her cab with her and then said goodnight, trying to suppress his excitement till she was out of sight.


"Well?" Harry asked when they got back in the car.

He'd only had one drink, so he was OK to drive. His primary goal had been getting Daniel tipsy and talkative.

"She's so fucking beautiful and so nice, Harry. Fuck me; I want that woman!" Daniel sighed.

"It's nice to hear you talk like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're a man and not just a dad, I was wondering if that would ever happen again."

"Me too . . . I never thought I'd want someone like this again."

"And so fast!" Harry noted. "You sure about this?"

"I'm positive. She might not have a blind bit of interest in me, but I'm sure about her."

"She's a looker alright," Harry agreed.

"Those hips and that gorgeous face will be the end of me, but it's more than that, she's really sweet and funny too," Daniel sighed.

Harry shook his head, but he was smiling. The old Daniel was back.


Daniel found his neighbor, Ted, out tending to his flower bed when he got home that night.

"Howdy, neighbor!" he hollered as Daniel walked up the path.

"How's it going?"

"Can't complain, and who'd listen anyway," Ted laughed. "You are managing OK without Tina?"

"Miss her like crazy, but I'm OK."

"Don't see you go out much," Ted noted.