"And you're raising her alone?"

"Yeah, going on seven years now."

He also regretted that statement; she wondered what was wrong with him being unattached for so long.

"That's a long time."

"Yeah, I've been too busy figuring out this single dad thing to get out much."

He noticed her drink was low, so he offered to buy her another.

"Thanks very much," she smiled. "Gin and soda with lime, please."

She was already a far cry from the woman who wouldn't allow him to open doors. Cassandra found a table, and he carried the drink back for her; he noticed that Harry was grinning over at the bar.

"So what needs to be fixed on your house specifically?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation going. He sat across the table from her and watched as she moved her long hair over her other shoulder, then began to explain the mess in her new home.

"First of all, it's the old nob and tube electrical on the second floor and then plumbing in the basement."

"I can do electrical," he mused, "and my brother has done some plumbing."


"Just sayin' if you wanted someone to do the work for you if you hadn't found someone yet."

There was only one journeyman electrician in town, and Daniel knew there was typically a job waiting list.

"You just met me," she smiled.

"I know, but that old electrical is pretty dangerous and I . . . I wouldn't want nothing to happen to you."

He felt 'cringy,' as the young ones would say, but it was just his way of wanting to jump in and fix things.

"Are all small town men so sweet?" she winked.

"Geez, I don't know."

He could feel his cheeks begin to burn and found it a struggle not to come across as needy with her, but she made him feel very needy.

"My sister said this was the place to be; I think she was right."

"Who's your sister?" he asked.

"Octavia Stanton, she works at-"

"Castle Builders."

"Yes! I take it you know her."

"Octavia is our payroll lady; she's a doll."

"What a small world!" Cassandra noted. "She's babysitting for me tonight so that I could get out for a bit."

"It's nice to have family to watch them, hey?"

"Definitely. I'm glad I met you or I probably would have spent the whole evening sitting at the bar alone," she smiled. "I'm a little shy."

"Me too, and it's been a while since I went out like this."