His hands wrapped around my face, cupping my cheeks and cutting off my tirade.

“Wha—what are you doing?” My lips stumbled over the words.

His pelvis pressed against me, and the thick hardness of his erection dug into my abdomen.

He didn’t say a damn thing as he tilted my head back with those hands on my cheeks.

My breathing picked up as his lips slowly lowered to mine.

Just before our mouths met, he growled, “I want you so damn badly I can’t eventhink, Gorgeous.”

Fire burned in his eyes a heartbeat before his lips captured mine. One of his hands dug into my hair, tightening in a handful of the dark silk. The other slid down to my ass, grabbing me and lifting me upward. When his erection met my center, I moaned.

Our kiss grew hotter, and more desperate.

My hands moved frantically over his chest and arms, feeling everything I could before the moment ended.

One of his remained in my hair, holding my face to his. The other slid beneath the fabric of my shorts, gripping a handful of my bare ass before sliding up toward the place I wanted it.

Just as his fingers brushed the slick wetness at my center, electricity raced through my skin. My back arched, and a gasp escaped me as my head crashed against the wall. Not a gasp of pleasure—one of shock, as I was yanked into one of my horrible dreams.

I stoodin the middle of the forest, with ice on one side of me and fire on the other. The trees to my right were engulfed in the white-hot flames, and the sky was full of smoke.

Awful roars, growls, and screams pierced the air, and my arms wrapped around my stomach.

Not this again.

Not more blood.

I saw glimpses of the bodies around me before I could squeeze my eyes shut.

Priel’s body.

His packs’.

The corpses of so many fae.

And off in the distance, there was still fighting.

The death wasn’t enough.

It had never been enough.

These dreams had never felt completely like dreams, but they’d also never hit me in the middle of the day like this.

Was Priel right?

Was Vevol trying to communicate with me somehow?

“If you have something to say, just say it,” I hissed at whoever or whatever had triggered the dream.

The air around me rippled, and when I peeked my eyes open, I realized that everything had changed.

I was now in the same location—a small clearing between the trees that was iced over on one side and not the other. But now the trees were looming over me, and the air both smelled and felt pure somehow.

“Polaris,” a strange voice murmured behind me.

I spun around, and my eyes opened widely when I found myself face to face with a fae woman. She was almost as tall as the men, with the same pointed ears. Her hair was golden, her eyes a sparkling blue, and all she wore was the same fireproof tank top and shorts I had on. Glittering magical tattoos seemed to dance across every inch of her skin, constantly changing shape and color.