When his hands tugged my shorts down a heartbeat later, my body flushed.

His hands dragged over my thighs and ass, checking for wounds that didn’t exist. When he was satisfied that I hadn’t been hurt there, he slid my shorts back up, settling the hem near my waist again. His palms moved over my abdomen, and then tugged the tank top over my head before tossing it to the ground.

“Damn.”His eyes burned as they slid over my bare chest, lingering on my tits.

I wasn’t injured. His response was solely to the way I looked—which made me feel plenty of dirty things that I couldn’t say aloud.

His hands landed on my waist, and he turned me around so my back was to him.

A strangled noise escaped him as they slid down the curves of my hips, stopping there.

I fought a groan.

Would the bastard just grab me already?

Why wouldn’t he just touch me the way I wanted him to?

It seemed like he wanted it too, now, so why was he holding back?

“See?” I told him, stepping away from him after a long moment proved he wasn’t going to act on whatever he was feeling.

Bending over, I grabbed my shirt off the floor.

“You can go now.” I gestured toward the door as I straightened, and tried not to notice that his hot eyes were back on my tits.

“No.” His gaze lifted back to mine.

I yanked my shirt over my head, shoving it into place. “What’s your excuse this time?”

“We need to figure out what your magic is and how you can use it to protect yourself. The unseeliewillcome when they hear about your brands; you need to be ready for that.”

My stomach twisted. “I’m not a fighter. If they come for me, I won’t kill them. I don’t want those memories hanging over me for the rest of my life.”

“I don’t expect you to. But I’m hoping your power will give them enough pause to letmekill them. We have to be mated by then so that your scent and appearance don’t cause a damn war.”

I bristled and flushed. Every time I started to think the bastard might be into me, he said shit like that. “I’m not that unattractive. My brands are weird, but they’re notugly.”

His expression morphed into one of incredulousness. “The way you look and smell will lead them to want you as theirmate, North. I sure as hell never said you weren’t attractive.”


If he thought I was attractive…

It was time to test him. And his possibly-nonexistent feelings for me.

“Well, maybe I should’ve done the stupid competition Ervo wanted, then. I’d have the chance to choose some guy, to get out of your hair.”

Fury crossed his face.

He started stepping toward me again—doing that thing where he drove me to the wall, and nearly pinned me to the damn thing.

His chest was heaving when my back met said wall. I was breathing fast too.

“You will not be choosingsome guy. You belong tome. And as I said,wewill have to mate completely before the unseelie come. Not you;us.”

My anger swelled.

“You can’t just skip every step in a relationship and expect me to happily jump in the sack with you,” I snapped back, even though my chastisement was almost the literal definition of what I wanted to do. “You haven’t even made it clear whether or not youwant me. I may be trapped in this world, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to permanently marry myself to some bastard who’s offering to be my pity mate. I—”