“We have no leader. Priel was branded by Vevol, so he’s the strongest of us. We respect him because of that, but we’re a family, not a kingdom.”

So they didn’t do the Alpha shit that werewolves supposedly did according to the many romance books I’d read on Earth.

“What does that mean? That he wasbranded by Vevol?” I asked carefully, making sure not to come across as too eager or curious. Suspicion was not something I wanted to attract.

“Vevol chooses the strongest fae and blesses them with an extra gift of power.”

So Priel had told me the truth.

Dammit again.

I searched my mind for another question. There was so much shit I didn’t know, and hadn’t had a way of finding out. I just had a hard time remembering all of the questions when I was in the moment.

“Why did some of the fae follow me here when they could all just wait back at the Stronghold to meet the other women?” I asked. “Wouldn’t that be easier?”

“It’s all about scent.” Bovay tapped the side of his nose. “The fae are in line to meet the females that smell the best to them. Those are probably their best chance for a compatible mate.”


I wasn’t sure whether that was interesting or insulting.

“So when a guy isn’t interested in me, it’s because I smell wrong?” I asked.

“Or just don’t smell right,” Bovay agreed.


Maybe that was why Priel had never wanted me.

Ijust didn’tsmell rightto him.

That made me want to punch something, though.

“Why don’t you guys smell different to me, then?” I asked.

“You haven’t shifted.”


“Does shifting hurt?” I had always wondered that, but never been brave enough to ask.

“Of course not. You’re a hound as much as you’re a fae.”

I’d never thought about it like that.

“Can you teach me how?” I asked him, suddenly sort of eager. I’d fought so hard not to shift back in the Stronghold, but now…

Well, I wanted to try it. To see what happened.

“After you’ve met the rest of the pack,” Bovay agreed. “You don’t smell right to me.”

Of course I didn’t.

With him, I was kind of glad about that though.

He stood and nodded toward me before strolling off into the trees. Another man came out immediately, jogging over to me and sitting down.

He flashed me a grin, and I fought one of my own. I couldn’t help it; the guy was gorgeous, and looking at me like he thought I was too.