Maybe I should just hope one of them would catch my fancy and fill my dreams from here on out.

I ignored Priel’s outstretched hand, hauling myself out of the cave and collapsing on my ass before I took a quick look around. The space was rocky, and there were massive, harsh cliffs surrounding us.

When I looked overhead, I saw a bunch of flying creatures. They had to be fae, but the jagged rocks far above us jutted out in spiked angles, protecting us from the winged beasts.

“Why is she bleeding?” A low male voice jerked my attention to the group of men around us.

I tried not to take a step back when I saw them.

There were so many massive male fae surrounding me, it made my head spin. They were all wickedly strong, but with a variety of skin colors and face shapes. Every one of them was totally inked-up, just like Priel.

I counted them silently.


Nine damn men.

Please let this not be a reverse harem situation.

Nine dicks was way, way too many for this chick.

Nope, I could not do it.

Not my thing.

Send help.

“Stuck herself with my tattoo pen,” Priel grumbled. “North wants to get to know you while I sleep. Don’t overwhelm her, and don’t even fucking think about touching her.”

With that, the bastard shifted and jumped smoothly back into his cave.


I tried not to let my body fold inward at the thick weight of the fierce attention of eight massive, gorgeous men.

“We’ll take turns. Alphabetically,” one of the men finally growled.

The others grunted their agreement, and quickly made themselves sparse, leaving me with one of the guys. He had dark skin, and I tried not to stare at the colorful tattoos stretching across his body. They weren’t as gorgeous as Priel’s, but they were still gorgeous.

“Who does all of your ink?” I asked him, peeling my eyes off him and focusing out on the forest in front of us. “Most of it is in the same style.”

I was ninety-nine-percent sure I already knew the answer, but wanted to be certain.

“Priel. Manipulating magic thoroughly enough to mark the skin permanently requires more power than most of us could imagine,” the man admitted.


“What’s your name?” I checked.

Hopefully someone had set a timer or something. If I was going to speed-date a bunch of fae, I needed that damn timer to keep it from getting awkward.


“Nice to meet you, Bovay.” My words were polite, even though I didn’t feel them.

A stretch of silence had me cringing inwardly.

“So, how does the pack work? Priel is the leader?” I asked, trying to keep things from getting worse.