The prestigious Plaza Hotel plays host today to the representatives of both companies, along with some other senior officers and representatives from the government, the NYSE, and some major financial institutions.

“The Vibrant-Emerald merger will be one of the most profitable in the US. There’s so much our companies can do together!”

“I can’t agree with you less. Please excuse me, I have to make a call.”

He pats my back, and I clench my fists. “Businessmen never get any rest now, do we?”

I force a smile. “Deals always have to be made.”

I excuse myself, finding my way to an empty storage room, where I dial Chad.

“Mr. Burnes. We’re in position and on standby.”

“Good. The meeting will start in less than ten minutes. It should be done before thirty minutes.”

“Good. Do you remember what to do after?”

I run him through the process once more. After the deals are completed, a luncheon will be held at a five-star restaurant nearby for Emerald’s management, courtesy of me.

I chose this particular restaurant on purpose; it’s located just by a major intersection of roads, so it’s easy to surround. I’m to excuse myself during the event, and less than five minutes later, the FBI, SWAT and NYPD will surround the place, and Lamar, with all his accomplices, will be arrested.

“Nice. Good going, Mr. Burnes. This operation should proceed without any hitches. We’ve already made arrests in other places. Our major arrest was in Staten Island, where we apprehended the two Russians behind the cybercrime outfit wreaking havoc on companies and individuals at Lamar’s behest.”

Blueband Tech has been avenged after more than three months. I heave a sigh.

“I’d best be getting back to the deal. I’ll inform you as soon as everything is ready, Chad.”


Straightening my suit, I stride to the Edwardian Room, where the deal is taking place.

Rays of sunshine flood the hall through the large glass windows overlooking Central Park and 5thAvenue. The oak paneling, elaborate trussed ceiling, and stenciled wall patterns set a magnificent backdrop for the meeting. I take my seat beside Lamar, who’s all smiles.

“Ready to make history?”

“Of course, Richard.”

The papers are presented. I don’t bother going through the contents – I formulated the terms, after all – putting my pen to the paper without delay. Lamar takes his pen and signs as well. We shake hands, lights flashing on me as journalists take pictures. The whole process took just eleven minutes.

“Congratulations. We’re now in business together.”

Lamar roars with laughter. “Yes, we are!”

“A toast, to the man that came up with the brilliant idea of entering a partnership! To Richard Burnes!”

John Lamar finishes his toast, lifting his glass.

“Ah, you flatter me, John.”

“To Richard Burnes,” everyone choruses, drowning out my voice.

Lamar drinks all the champagne in his glass in a gulp, but I sip a little. I can’t afford even the slightest tipsiness. When he’s done, I fill his glass, before tapping mine with a spoon. The buzz dies down.

“Ladies and gentlemen of what was Emerald Incorporated, but is now Vibrant-Emerald PLC, the idea of a merger had been in my head for a long time. I always admired Emerald’s growth, investment strategies, and diversity, even though she was a nonprofit organization. I wished Vibrant and Emerald would someday unite.”

I pause, allowing my words to sink in. A few nods and I continue my speech, peeking at my wristwatch at the same time.

“At first, I didn’t know how to go about it. I made bids, thinking the best strategy was to go all out and buy the company. At a point, I realized if I did this, I’d be getting the company, not the brains behind the company. Not the people whose business acumen had pushed the company forward.”