I take another side glance at my wristwatch. Time to round the speech up.
“Hence, I went for what should have been my first option. The best option. A partnership. But what if Mr. Lamar had rejected it? Of course, we won’t be here. Therefore, I propose a toast to the man who deserves as much credit as I do today. To John Lamar!”
The toast is echoed, and everyone takes a sip of their wine or champagne.
“Also, a toast to the rest of you, who made this happen! Trust me when I say, you all won’t forget this day.”You’ll remember it in jail.
Conversation picks up once more amongst the board members after the toast. Dropping my glass, I excuse myself. As I leave the restaurant through the back door, I text Chad.
It’s time. You can move in.
Head high, I make my way to my Audi, and soon I’m cruising through the streets of Manhattan, heading for home and Melissa.
“That was one hell of a court case. Man, I’m bushed!” Alex’s the first to speak as we all walk out of the court.
“You did well, Alex. Sure, you had great support, but you still did well, countering Lamar’s attorneys like that.”
The court case was such a sensation a journalist dubbed it ‘the corruption case of the decade’. All thirteen members of the board and about thirty-eight other shareholders and members of management were convicted on various counts of bribing, money laundering, embezzlement, and conspiracy, among others. There were also convictions secured against organized criminals who had ties with the laundering cartel John Lamar ran.
Lamar. He was the hardest person to pin down due to his immense wealth. He hired, just for his defense, seven reputed attorneys. In the end, however, Alex and his team, gathered through my efforts and the FBI’s, managed to outmaneuver him, and he got thirty years.
“We should all go grab something to eat. I’m starving,” says Anna, rubbing her belly.
Celine is just steps ahead of Melissa and me. “It’s just nice seeing people who’ve done wrong pay for their crimes, even with all the money they have. Right, ‘Lissa?”
Melissa, whose left hand is locked with my right, remains silent. I stop, holding both her shoulders and scanning her face. Her eyes are glistening with tears.
“What’s wrong, Melissa?” I ask.
Alex, Anna and Celine stop, turning back.
“All this time. All my efforts. For so long, I worked to put Lamar in jail for what he’s done to my company. Seeing it happen today made me quite teary … I’m sorry ...”
“No need to be sorry, hon’. You’ve suffered and struggled a lot, but you’re free now. Free from having to fear for your life. Free from Lamar and his co-conspirators. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling?”
She laughs despite her tears. “Yes, it is.”
Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her head close to my chest.
“Wow. Beautiful. Let’s go get something to eat now, you two!”
“Just a minute, Lex. There’s still something I have to do.”
Bringing out a small case, I clear my throat.
“Melissa, ever since I met you, you’ve added something into my life I never thought I missed. You brought color. Like spring, you came, and the cold in my heart and mind disappeared, replaced by a new warmth. I had a goal, but you gave me a purpose. It's for these reasons and more that I wish to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Getting on my knees, I open the case. Inside is a ring with a diamond-encrusted top. Melissa covers her mouth with her hand, and people coming from the court stop and stare.
“Melissa Durham, will you marry me?”
“Yes… Yes! I’ll marry you, Richard!”
I place the ring on her left finger, then get to my feet and hold her close. Claps and cheers resonate all around, but at that moment, it’s just Melissa and me in our world. I tilt my head to meet her lips, and we’re soon locked in a deep kiss, holding each other as if our lives depend on it. Nothing else matters. We've fought to get to this moment.
Now, outside the courtroom, with Melissa in my arms, I pour all my love for her into our kiss. She accepts it, pulling me closer with her hands in my hair.