Isleptinthepresidential suite. Or tried to.

It was hard to sleep when I kept picturing my intimate moments with Leigh in the living area and then recalling how Drake had looked at her.

Just when I found someone that I actually truly liked, she turned out to be my friend’s one true love. It was so messed up.

That morning, as I was nearing my house, I suddenly noticed Leigh’s car in front of me. That was odd because it was moving toward the house, too, not far from it. Maybe she left earlier and then forgot something.

My heart skipped a beat. She parked her car by the sidewalk in front of her house, and I followed behind her, slowing down to a stop.

When I got out, I felt myself looking forward to seeing her again, even though I had made myself a promise that I would distance myself because she was off-limits.

To my astonishment, it was Drake who came out of the driver’s side. He immediately saw me and grinned. “Brother! I knew it was you driving behind me from the hotel,” he said cheerfully, giving me a pat on the back.

“Why are you driving Leigh’s car?” The question slipped out because I was damn curious. I even forgot to call her Miss Andrews.

Drake gave me a puzzled look, but he just shrugged it off and answered, explaining what had happened the previous night.

“Oh, you brought her home?” I said, my heart thumping loudly. I was afraid of what story would come next. Did I even want to know?

“Yeah, I did,” he said. “Finally, she’s calmer and friendlier toward me. Maybe there’s a chance she’ll forgive me. Maybe… she’ll eventually fall for me again.”

His words sent a chill down my spine. He really wanted her back. He wasn’t willing to let go yet. And even if he was, she would remain off-limits. The thought was depressing.

“Well, how did it go? Last night?” I asked carefully.

“We chatted a bit, reminisced about some memories, laughed some too…” Drake shared, grinning widely. “It’s a great start, man.”

“I’m happy for you, brother,” I said, but I didn’t really mean it.

Just then, Leigh came out of the house. Even though she probably hadn’t gotten enough sleep yet, she still looked fabulous in her fashionable corporate dress. The highlights of her hair were shimmering in the sunlight.

She had a big smile on her face that immediately turned sour when she saw the two of us. Was she just expecting only Drake to be there? She probably knew he was coming to deliver her car. Was that smile reserved for him?

We had nothing. They’ve shared years of love for one another. It was only a matter of time before it was rekindled.

But then again, I should not feel bad about it. I wouldn’t be able to commit to Leigh, anyway, and she seemed to be the type who wasn’t looking for something temporary. She was ready to settle down if Drake hadn’t chickened out. Surely she was looking for a long-term partner in life. I would not be able to give her that.

“Hey, Drake…” she greeted. Then looking at me, she smiled, but it was a formal, courteous type reserved for business partners and neighbors you did not know so well. “Hi, Mr. Croft.”

And that said it all.

“Hey, good morning,” I said, trying to sound pleasant but putting on my usual emotionless expression. It was my favorite mask. “I heard about your car. Glad Drake was there to help you out.”

She looked surprised. “Oh, yeah… The car’s good now. Thanks.”

“I had fun last night. Did you?” I suddenly blurted out. The moment the words left my mouth, I regretted them.

Leigh knew that I wasn’t referring to the party. She gave me a strange, bothered look. “It was certainly… unforgettable…” she said.

“I should have come earlier,” Drake butt in. Then he handed the keys to Leigh and began leading her toward the car.

“Yeah,” I said. “Next time, you’ll have to be early, so you don’t miss the exciting things.”

Leigh narrowed her eyes at me. “Sorry, I have to go,” she said to us, then took the keys and entered her car.

Drake followed her like a lovesick puppy. “I’ll meet you later regarding the linens!” he called out.