I scoffed, knowing he was using it as a mere excuse to be with her. But who was I to stop them? I had no business in their affairs. I should just go back to what I was busy with before Leigh Andrews came into my life.

That evening, Drake sent me a message saying that Leigh had agreed to come to Bali Villas on Sunday. Apparently, they were together in some coffee shop in the city. I wished it wouldn’t lead to anything else.

I ended up drinking in front of the TV. I could not focus on doing any work. I kept thinking about the two of them together and wondering if the meeting was done or if they had gone somewhere else.

Several times I picked up my phone and almost dialed Leigh’s number. At one point, I couldn’t help it. I sent a message to Drake pretending to have a question about the project and asking if I could call him. There was no reply.

I felt like I was going nuts.

Right before midnight, I called Drake, but he did not answer. I went out of the house and saw that Leigh’s car wasn’t there yet. Had he taken her to the apartment that I had lent to him? I could hardly bear that vision in my mind.

I got my car keys and intended to drive to the apartment when I saw Leigh’s car pull up her driveway. Somehow it was a big relief.

She obviously saw me already. I waited for her to come out.

When she got out of the car, I discreetly checked her makeup, her hair, the buttons on her dress, and her purse. I was looking for signs that she might have made out or even had sex with Drake. I shouldn’t care, but I did.

“Hi,” I said.

“Oh, hi,” she answered with a stifled yawn.

Did I bore her now? She wasn’t like this toward me at the orphanage and during the party at the hotel.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so sleepy…” she said. “See you around…”

She was dismissing me already. I should just say good night. But desperation got the best of me.

“Drake said you met already about the project?” I said, walking toward her.

“Uh, yes,” she told me. “I’ll just go there on Sunday to check the place. I’ve seen the photos. It’s so beautiful.”

“Yeah, almost done and ready to open,” I said.

She walked toward her door. I followed her.

“You and Drake seem to be doing okay now,” I remarked casually. “I mean, it’s none of my business, but I’m just happy for you both. He told me he came back here for you.”

She faced me squarely. There was an expression of mixed annoyance and puzzlement on her face. “Carter, nothing happened tonight,” she said. “We had the meeting over coffee after work hours, and then I went out with some friends. I haven’t spoken with him since. Now isn’t that what you wanted to know?”

I suddenly felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders. But I was greatly bothered that she seemed to have read my real intentions.

She crossed her arms across her chest. “Tell me honestly, Carter,” she said. “What’s it to you?”

“Nothing,” I answered. “I’m sorry.”

I didn’t offer any other explanation. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to ask something else. But then she changed her mind and just turned her back on me without another word.

I went back to my house, confused more than ever.

Sunday came fast. I was at Bali Villas early, admiring the beautiful facade and interiors. The landscaping wasn’t complete yet, but the whole resort made it feel like I had been transported to the exotic and exquisite island of Bali in Indonesia.

I called Drake’s number, but no one answered. Perhaps he was on his way.

I didn’t have to be there, actually. But my desire to see Leigh and to make sure that nothing happened between them here made me come.

I hadn’t seen her car yet, so she wasn’t here yet either. I decided to go around and inspect the place. There wasn’t a lot of progress from the last time I was there. I talked to some staff who were on ground and were also involved in the project. They were hesitant at first but eventually admitted that Drake hardly came there.

I had wanted to give him a chance to be better, to start over. But still, he’s gone back to his lazy ways. Sighing, I began to feel a headache coming on. This was becoming stressful. Maybe I shouldn’t have meddled. I shouldn’t have given him a car, an apartment and a job. Now how could I take them back without hurting his feelings and causing a fight between us?