Page 25 of Oath of Redemption

“You lie! Why would he do that? I’m his flesh and blood!” His nostrils are flare, sweat dripping from his balding head and down the sides of his face.

I pull the revolver from my waistband as he watches, cock the hammer back as he stares. His body is shaking now, arms pulling at their restraints in a futile attempt to get free. We rarely bother with Bratva business, but Aleksi came toCapo Famigliawith a problem he apparently couldn’t solve himself; needed help from our Wolf connecting the dots. Lucky for him,Capo Famigliawas feeling generous enough to loan the both of us out.

“Typically, stealing and selling product to make your own profit is frowned upon in this business Fitzpatrick. But to also sleep with your Boss’s wife?” I shake my head with mock disappointment, pursing my lips at his denying head. “That’s just rude.”

He sputters at my accusations, face getting red as he tries to find something to say with the hope of delaying the inevitable. “I—”

His sentence ends almost before it began, his head snapping to hang backward as blood drips from the bullet hole scored through it. Tucking my gun away, I hold my hand out to Luca, who passes back my cigarette, watching silently as I finish my smoke. “I’m going to need the warehouse cleared. Wolf will be here soon and I have a meeting with him.”

Luca gives me a stupid little salute, smiling as he shouts to the men standing near us. Finishing off my smoke, I drop the butt onto the concrete floor, snubbing it out with my boot. I silently watch as the other men file out the door, my pulse picking up just the slightest bit as I stand quietly, waiting. My gaze shifts over to the door of the warehouse, finger tapping inside my pocket to match the soft ticking of the clock hanging on the opposite wall.

Depending on what news Wolf has for me,I’m one step closer to getting Beverly back.

At the sound of the creaking open I watch as wolf makes his way to me, a hand lightly running through the silver strands of his hair as he comes to a stop. I keep the bored expression on my face, not letting him see how much I depend on this conversation going my way. My arms cross as I address him, “Jessie.”

He tilts his head in acknowledgement, eyeing the dead man behind me like he’s admiring a painting. “The package was taken care of I take it?”

I hum. “Have someone pass the news on to Aleksi. I’m sure he’ll be pleased.”

His hands clasp before him with a nod. His bright blue eyes flicker up to mine, waiting for me to initiate our real meeting.

“What did you find?” It’s asked casually, but I feel anything but, my muscles wound up tight.

“It took me a while, but I found what you needed.” He says, reaching into the inside pocket of his coat to pull out an envelope.

My fingers wrap around it when he holds it out to me. He continues speaking as I wordlessly go through the contents.

“Travis Castello, you ever heard of him?”

I nod, flicking through the unfolded paperwork in my hands. Travis was an old capo that worked under my father years ago. After he retired he spent most of his time across the country in Las Vegas gambling.

“Well, Francis Delfino made a deal with him. He borrowed a bunch of money to buy the same piers that thefamigliagained for your and Viva’s marriage.” I hum, looking through some camera screen captures of the said exchange. “Travis Castello’s money was thefamiglia’smoney.” He says plainly waiting for me to connect the dots myself.

My eyes flick up to his, the photos still pinched between my fingers. “Francis bought the piers withfamigliamoney, meaning they should have already been owned by us, and then used them as leverage to have his daughter marry me?”

Jessie nods, his smile making him look every bit of the wolf he’s nicknamed as. “And Travis was conveniently found dead in his Las Vegas home not even two weeks after the marriage announcement.”


I feel my smile, tucking the contents of the envelope back inside of it. “Good work, Wolf.”

He takes the praise as the dismissal it is, turning away with a nod, his hands tuck into his jacket pockets. I watch him leave, tapping the envelope in my hand against my fingers.

It’s time to meet with my father.

Knocking my knuckles against the doorframe to my father’s office, I watch his head raise from whatever he was looking at on his desk.

"Remy." My father shifts in his seat, signaling for me to come into the room. “I wasn’t expecting to see you today. Here to tell me you’ve impregnated your wife?”

Shaking my head, my hands rest in front of me. “No. I’m here on other business.”

His brows furrow, lips pursed. “Frankly son, that’s the only news I’m interested in hearing from you. I gave you an order, remember?”

Narrowing slightly, his eyes flick to stare into mine, making sure I understand him.

“I have news that I know you’d be interested in regarding Francis Delfino.” I see his interest has peaked, so I continue. “Wolf has found evidence that Francis borrowedfamigliamoney to buy the piers he used to arrange mine and Viva’s marriage.”

My father’s jaw works as he thinks, leaning further back in his chair. “Where did he get the money?”